Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Hardest has to be Xaldin
2nd hardest is Xigbar
and a little trouble with Demyx
surprisingly the ALMIGHTY SUPERIOR KNOWN AS XEMNAS was the easiest to beat
Well yah. Meet the requirements then die. Please no flames I'm just saying this is what works for me. I don't want to make enemies. I admit some battles like the Xemnas one will not involve Mickey.
Well what I noticed is that there are requirements to call for mickey:
1. Drive Gauge must be empty
2. Must be a boss fight
That's the scenario for me every time. I think Mickey is there to revive you and refill your drive gauge and make life easier. All in all your drive must be empty and it...
Wow. I used to have my own personal theory about this before but I never decided to start a thread on it cause I would have thought everybody would have called me a noob. But anyway I think this theory is possible considering the fact that worlds have hearts too regardless of it is a person or...
Don't hate me if I sound like a noob. OK so what you guys are saying is that when Terra was talking to Xehanort he was referring his "friend" to be the DS?:confused:
Mine would have to be Roxas vs. Axel cause it's dramatic and Sora vs. Xemnas(Memory Skyscraper& in that weird white twisty world thing) because well... it was dramatic.
Hi I'm new at this so please if I sound like a noob please don't get mad. Does anybody here have a detailed idea who Xion's "somebody" is and how she has the keyblade? I love kingdomhearts and i want to get a better understanding. Honestly I'm confused who Xion is.