• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. S

    Kairi with a keyblade?!

    yea i've been thinking about how cool it would be for awhile so i just created a tread so people could talk about it after you brought it up! thanks!:thumbup:
  2. S

    Kingdom Hearts Online (mmorpg)

    Kingdom Hearts is a great series but in my opinion one thing is missing... YOUR FRIENDS!! i have heard a lot of talk about how cool it would be if there was an ONLINE version of KINGDOM HEARTS this online version could be a sort of spin off from the series (like Star Wars Battle Front):idea...
  3. S

    What things do you think need to come back from KH1?

    there are many things that were not included in KH2 that were in KH1... WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY SHOULD HAVE KEEP? ex: worlds, magic, abilities, the swimming and climbing, summons, etc. also include what you think they should have got rid of (if anything) lol YOUR COMMENTS ARE...
  4. S

    Kairi with a keyblade?!

    if that's the case he better hurry up!!!:drool:
  5. S

    List Of New Worlds!!

    i would like all of you too tell me what worlds you would like yo see in future games! (Disney or FF) personally i want to see a "Robin Hood" world... i think Robin Hood could be cool to team up with in the game! YOUR IDEAS ARE APPRECIATED!:thumbup:
  6. S

    Kairi with a keyblade?!

    lol i can tell... and i do agree with the "handing the keyblades out" thing
  7. S

    Where are Pete and Maleficent?!

    bring it on! lol even if they aren't that powerful it would be cool to face them as one of the first bosses... it could show how Sora and the enemies are getting stronger in the series...
  8. S

    Kairi with a keyblade?!

    i agree! i thought she would be a mage too! lol
  9. S

    Where are Pete and Maleficent?!

    i kno! silver rain is the best!
  10. S

    Kairi with a keyblade?!

    i love the idea about kiari having a keyblade! i need somethings answered from you guys though!:toungesmile: 1. What do you think her battle style will be like later in the series? (will she ever be as good as sora or riku?lol) 2. Do you think that she should be in your party? (like riku was...
  11. S

    Where are Pete and Maleficent?!

    i agree, it was rushed... it seems the the KH series leaves a lot more questions open than it answers...
  12. S

    Where are Pete and Maleficent?!

    i know this is a very popular question but i was wondering what you guys think happened to them and what will happen to them later in the series? THEORIES ANYONE?! :confused:
  13. S

    Secret ending!!!!

    i agree... riku was amsem's apprentice so we are dealing with the same bad guy in both of the scenarios
  14. S

    Secret ending!!!!

    i agree the guardian looks like it has riku' clothes in dark form!
  15. S

    New Keyblade Question

    i heard you got it from the XIII mushroom
  16. S

    U.E.M in Ansem's clothes?

    there has to be a connection... the U.E.M has the same clothes as Ansem and the D.S. has the same clothes as Riku in the first game.... they both are similar
  17. S

    Xeharnort .... is the ES ...???

    i think the lost 2 are riku and the E.S. they both look like they lost their heart to a guy that looks like Xeharnort's heartless i kinda think one of them has to be riku :unsure:
  18. S

    urrr...Final Form Help

    ummm... lets see... did u: 1. make sure u have all other forms 2. go to Disney Castle and level up your Drive Forms a. you need to go in to Timeless River and use your drive forms on the heartless to level them up. b. make sure you leave Timeless River before your drive bar runs out...
  19. S

    new theory....on mickey

    the thing you said about mickey having the star seeker from yen sid got me to thinking... DIDN'T AQUA HAVE KING MICKEY'S KEYBLADE! lol someone explain that to me :confused: loved the theory! just fix a few flaws and it should be great! :thumbup:
  20. S

    Decoding the Past and the Future!

    this is way confusing but it has very good insight!