Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I think my best character was Terra.
I liked all his dark commands and his moves were simple and strong and he gave me a challenge due to his slow speed. I also loved his Dark Impulse command style, that was an bad-ass command style when you have all your combo and air combo plus' maxed out. :D
Re: Kingdom Hearts Recoded (CONFIRMED FOR NDS)
I wanted it for my PSP :P
But whatever, It makes my DS more playable now that I'll have another KH game on it, but still a little disappointed that it's for the DS. :T
Either April or May cause my birthday is in early May so if it comes out in April, I can get it as a birthday present and if it comes out in May, I'll use my birthday money so yeah. :P
But I think early/mid May, MABYE late April. Idk. :P
I think so, at least he can summon them but not control it.
Even Doc said that he used a monster and there's only 2 types of monsters: a summon and unversed, so maybe its possible. :P
put your 0 cards (kingdom Keys will do since they're thte cheapest) at the end of the deck so its easy to reach and use Sonic Blade to finish her up and have 5-7 cure cards and see how that works. If not, then add the Strike Raid ablility and if that doesnt work then I dont know what will.