Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
This would probably be better in the Graphics section, but I'll help you out.
There's a psp theme of Vanitas on DeviantArt here: http://tkhp-nobody.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2p3a6i
Well, right now no one's really trusting anyone else. Except DiZ, but that's only because he cares about his revenge... And he knows everything. So... Yeah.
With Riku, I guess you can say he's just protecting Sora, because he knows what the Organization would do to Xion and that might get in...
Only one section for you guys today. I've just been in this creative funk and I haven't really been able to concentrate on much of anything.
Chapter 5: Two Men of Twilight Town
Part 4
I walked outside into an enclosed courtyard with pillars crumbling in rows. At the end of the courtyard was...
Yeah. Riku doesn't really like Xion because of what she is. And he does have a lot of things on his mind. With Xion, DiZ seems like a very trusting person to her. And I just realized that a lot of people are keeping secrets. Oops. XP
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch5 Pt2 Up}
I really gotta take more time to work on this. X(
Another awkward cutoff. Enjoy anyway.
Chapter 5: Two Men of Twilight Town
Part 3
Every once in a while the boy would come back in to give me food and water, but I didn’t touch...
This was a nice update. (But it's been so long. And I've forgotten a lot of this. DX)
There practcally wasn't anything that I didn't like, and I didn't see grammar mistakes (though I am really tired, so I might've missed them). The only thing that I would have to say is there's a little too...
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch5 Pt2 Up}
Haha. I've tried starting some stories in the past, and I look at them now and don't have any idea where I was going to take them. Oops.
I sure hope so. It's probably just going to take some time, lol.
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch5 Pt2 Up}
Definitely. Especially since I wrote the last half of the story almost a year ago (wow, has it really been that long?), so my writing style has kinda changed, and there are a LOT of things that just don't go with the story. Hooray...
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch5 Pt2 Up}
I just got a weird image of Riku, Saix and Zexion in diapers. Which I may just have to draw... *looks at tablet* Hmm....
Anyway, yeah. This entire story is before the pod. You could say that this is all just future Xion recalling...
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch5 Pt2 Up}
Thank you.
I don't know which one of us is suffering more, you because of the cliffhangers or me because I love hearing theories and you're keeping them to yourself. X3 And were your suspicions right with the last update?
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch5 Pt1 Up}
Next chapter. Man, I seriously have got to work on this more. X(
Chapter 5: Two Men of Twilight Town
Part 2
“What the hell happened?” I asked myself. I brought my hand up to my hand, which was throbbing almost uncontrollably, and...
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch5 Pt1 Up}
Basically. Xion's headache was making her a little delusional, plus her wanting to see Zexion again so badly made her see Roxas as Zexion.
And the thing with Axel is that he was a double agent at CO and he learned some things...
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch4 Pt6 Up}
Next chapter. Sorry I posted it so late at night, but I'm getting ready to go on a trip, so I've been busy packing and shopping and stuff. So here ya go. ^_^ And after this, all I have to do is type and edit.
Chapter 5: Two Men of...
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch4 Pt6 Up}
Thanks. I'm so happy that I've finally basically got the story finished. This one especially has taken me so long. DX
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch4 Pt6 Up}
Axel is a huge jackass here, but he's kinda fed up with everything and he's taking it out on Xion. But go ahead and kick the crap outta him all you like.
As for Zexion I'm gonna have to go annoyingly, but necessary for not giving...
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch4 Pt5 Up}
And with this, I basically have the entire story finished. All I have to do is type it and maybe edit a few things here or there.
Chapter 4: The True Beginning
Part 6
“Hi, Xion!” Roxas greeted happily. Axel nodded distractedly in...
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch4 Pt5 Up}
Hahaha yeah. I can see how you would get that. XP
He annoyed the hell out of me in the game, so I'm just trying to convey that annoyance here.
It totally sucks for Xion, because Xemnas now knows that she knows and can...
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch4 Pt5 Up}
Yeah. Pretty much.
How would it be bad for the other Org members?
Just a little announcement: I may or may not retcon some things, so... yeah. =3
Re: Dusk's Dream [Prequel to Twilit Road to Dawn]{Ch4 Pt4 Up}
Sorry, but this cuts off a little awkwardly. It was either going to be a really long chapter or a really short chapter. So I decided to compromise. And I'm sorry that I'm posting this so late. I'm getting really bad about these...