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Search results

  1. K

    help w/ final marluxia

    Beat him. :) I focused on not using slieghts, and it payed off. Once I got on his back, I used a HECK LOAD of Cloud cards to stay in the same spot, then Dumbo when I started to drift back. I used keyblade cards to break his attacks and arms and stuff.
  2. K

    has the video from TGS been released yet?

    Usually at those things, people can find the videos displayed at the shows for new games and put them on YouTube or whatever. I'm wondering if anyone has found the video, cause descriptions of the 3 new games just makes me want to see them.
  3. K

    wow, its been a while since I was here

    Last time I was here, we were just getting into trying to get FMII+ to the states. I'm guessing that hasn't happened yet, or I would have heard about it. Is there some thread or something that's still heading this project?
  4. K

    help w/ final marluxia

    Wow, it's been a while since I was on here. :p Anyways, does anyone have a specific deck I can use when fighting final Marluxia? Like, should it be more attack card based, magic based, what? I beat him before on my friends copy, but now that I have my own, I seem to be having some difficulty...
  5. K

    kh2 poll

    Axel, he just pwns. And the world that never was seems pretty cool.
  6. K

    to import, or not import....i have questions

    Ok, so as the title says, I'm thinking about importing FMII+. The three reasons I am hesitant are listed below: 1) I don't speak japanese.....in some cutscenes I've seen, the subtitles are in japanese and the english is spoken (i have no problem with that), but in others, everything is...
  7. K

    so many FFVII games, so little time.....

    OK, so I'm a bit confused. There was FFVII, the original. Then, what's with "Dirge Of Cerberus" and "Before Crisis"? And now they're making an Advent Children game? Baisically, I'm just asking, what's the difference between these games.
  8. K

    anyone know where i can find a good FFVII emulation?

    Ok, I've been wanting to play FFVII for a while, but can't find the game for computer or PS. Therefore, I need an emulation. Anyone have a link or something that they can give me? Thanks!
  9. K

    Ansem Retort (awesome online comic)

    I found a reallly good online comic called "Ansem Retort". It uses the sprites from KH:CoM. It's a little graphic, so you may not want to read it if you don't like vulgarity and blood. But it's incredibly funny! :lol: http://www.analogpaladins.com <------Then click on "Ansem Retort".
  10. K

    does anyone have the cloud/sephiroth cutscene?

    After you beat Sephiroth and tell Cloud, the fighting cut scene that follows is what I'm looking for. I didn't see it on this sites video page, nor did I have any luck with ohter searching. You can AIM send it to me if I'm on if you have it. If you don't have it, do you perhaps know a place...
  11. K

    cant find any elixers!

    I'm fighting Sephiroth, and am in need of Elixers! I can't find them in shops. Are they in shops? If so, which ones?
  12. K

    where have all the twilight materials gone?

    Now that I've beaten the game, I'm trying to get all of the high weapons. For them, I need Twilight materials. I've got all that I need except for the Twilight Stones and Twilight Gems. I'm pretty sure I get the Gems from the Pink Nobodies, but where do I get the gems? I don't have enough of any...
  13. K

    help needed in making a petition....

    I just saw the new set of cards for the KH: TCG......I really want them to come to America. Can someone help me write up a petition? I'm not that great at them. I've got the baisic idea of what I want to say, but can't really put them down in words in a convincing way. If you can help me, please...
  14. K

    FFVII demo from gamespot.com.....

    It won't run. I get to the little part where Cloud runs to the center of the ring on that platform, he draws his sword, then it cuts off saying it "has encountered a problem and needs to close". Please help me.
  15. K

    Final Form not leveling up......

    Ok, I just got final form, and I want to level it up for glide. Yet, I've used it a bunch, and it's not leveling up. Do I need to have a certain ability unlocked from another form? And while I'm here, is there a double jump upgrade? I got the high jump from valor already.
  16. K

    Stupid Pooh

    Lets see......it's been a while since I beat it....Rabbit, you have to get Pooh to jump in the wagon, then stop Rabbit's cabbage or something like that.....Roo, make Pooh fall into the hole with footprints coming out of it......Tiger, get Pooh to bounce on those 4 stumps.......Piglet......I want...
  17. K

    just beat it, and need to tie up loose ends

    I BEAT KHII! YEAH! Now, I need to tie up some loose ends, and if any of you have tips for them, I'd appreciate it. 1.) Beat Sephiroth 2.) Ultima Weapon 3.) 100% Complete 4.) Secret Ending All of the above are in that order. Thank you! :lol:
  18. K

    help needed w/ item synthesis....

    According to my friend, to get the Ultima Weapon, I have to have "Save The King" and "Save The Queen". So I baisically need to know where I need to go to the materials. Most of what I need are "Twilight Shard/other". Do I get these in Twilight Town (I never really paid attention). Any other...
  19. K

    have you beaten the game?

    The game was easy at first (I didn't worry about the cards, I just attacked), but then I got into sleights and other techniques, which made the whole experience alot more enjoyable. Sora - hardest = final Marluxia/final Riku Riku - hardest = Ansem
  20. K

    Kingdom Hearts: RE: Chain of Memories Petition

    Signed! I think it's a really well written petition. :)