Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
i would like to see a big organization fight where everyone just gots and fights each other in the organization (sorry demxy lovers but demxy would be one of the first people dead)
heres what really happened ......................... spoliers
sora got bored and decited that he wanted to kill people.............. he secreatly threw that thing at goofy and tryied to kill him ........................... he also wanted to kill the organization people cuz he wanted his...
at the of the game when sora reads the note in the bottle and says them, there the same words in kh1 if your leave your game on to long in the loading place where the screen says
new game
load game
i couldnt do it with roxas i didnt like his short weapon but i got bored of pressing the x botton so i just gave up for sora and got 364 i wish i tryed a little long lol
who here thought grandstander was easy i did cuz all i had to do is press the x botton over and over again it was so easy my best score was 364 what was yours