Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
i have only seen the one called goodnight. very good. i hear she has a very long on going one, i dont think ill be able to catch up with that so im going to give it a miss and wait for future ones by her. neloangelos fic here has become my favourite. i like the genre of it lets say, its my type...
they are both good. i was only just kidding around. its just snowdogs descriptions are very good, matt is great at that too actually. so hm, lets say they are both in the same sort of league.
hey me too. ive got loads of books.
you have got five books out? wow. your a real life author?
i have to catch up, i dont mind her taking her time with the next chapter. hehe.
he's twenty is he. oh right, he's got few more years experience at this stuff then us i guess.
he is very good. dont tell him i said this but i think snowdogs the only one better than him. sshh.
my reading level is high. i can take a lot of information in quick and remember it. i love reading.
i just had to check it out when i saw this section.
oh right. hehe. yeah im just looking aorund trying to get some ideas. i love writing. i may write a fic for here. i really like this one. its different. definetly didnt think sephiroth would have so many kids.
ita not that expensive, depends who you buy it off. and no it doesnt corrupt your ps2, well as far as i know. my ps2 is chipped so i dont need swap magic. uh oh shouldnt've said that.
wow, very good introduction to your character. you seem to know what your doing, ill be keeping watch on this.
you seem to have mispelled Sacrifice on your thread name. easy mistake i guess but make sure you dont make them in your story.
er..im everywhere..hehe...i am deep within all your minds, there is no escape. lol. sorry.
this is a great fic, you are very good, i almost like your version of kh than the original.
i still have a LOT of catching up to do.