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Search results

  1. T

    Sora's Official Height?

    u think ur wierd? i'm 13 and i'm 5" 11 and 1/2 '...
  2. T

    U.E.M's Keyblade [Secret Trailer]

    yeah i noticed the same thing..good eye man
  3. T

    A New You (Possible Spoilerz...plz comment)

    Remember how after you beat Roxas in TWTNW, Xemnas gives Roxas his name and says "a NEW you"? Well...what if Roxas existed BEFORE Sora turned into a heartless? I remeber Xaldin made a post saying that the Enigmatic Soldier said the names Ven and Aqua...he (Xaldin) also said that Ven was the name...
  4. T

    The E.S Fight Video is on the Web!

    Kingdom Hearts Network - News has the video! So many questions...why is the portal in disney? What keyblade is Sora using? GODDAMMIT SQUARE! RELEASE FINAL MIX + WORLDWIDE!!
  5. T

    Fanfiction ► my kh3 script/ theory.......coment plz!!!!

    u guys think its good? thank you!:thumbsup: i'll add more when i find the time...
  6. T

    Fanfiction ► my kh3 script/ theory.......coment plz!!!!

    for those who commented on my theory and said it was more like a story, here you go. i will update this as my story progresses. it probably sux cuz im only 13 and im not good at making stories based on others. But enough of that. read the story anyway. Destiny Islands (Prologue) Riku: So...
  7. T

    my kh3 script/fanfic. coment PLZ!! i'll add more when i get ideas

    for those who commented on my theory and said it was more like a story, here you go. i will update this as my story progresses. it probably sux cuz im only 13 and im not good at making stories based on others. But enough of that. read the story anyway.:closedeyes: Destiny Islands (Prologue)...
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    KH2: FM+ Site Music For Download

    idk i dont think so for 2 reasons. 1. It may not be the full version of the song. 2. Square could always just loop the song...every song in kh/kh2 repeated its self when it finished...thats why on the OSTs the songs are like one minute. So...judging by what me and everyone else said, this...
  9. T

    KH2: FM+ Site Music For Download

    anybody think.... does anybody think that the song on fm+ website would be the music that would play when u fight Marluxia and Lexaeus? idk just i thought from a 13 year old..lol
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    Fanfiction ► My kh3 fanfic/script. More as i get more ideas...coment plz..this is long

    for those who commented on my theory and said it was more like a story, her you go. i will update this as my story progresses Destiny Islands (Prologue) Riku: So, things haven’t changed a bit, huh? Sora: Nope. I guess not. But you know what? I think it’s better off this way-the way we...
  11. T

    My KH3 plot theory..plz comment

    Okay just one thing first. Im new 2 the forums, and im 12 so don't get all worked up if my theory is bad. correct me if some things seem impossible. In the game, you play as the guy who takes soras's kingdom key in the secret movie. He is one of the 4 Chasers, which are the beings who created...
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    KH2 Final Mix discussion

    ok. heres my theory (im 12, but i have a pretty good imagination). I think in the secret ending in FM+, the guy with the smashed visor gets in a fight with the armored knight who picks up Riku's keyblade. So they fight, and the one with riku's keyblade eventually wins, and at the end of the...
  13. T

    Drive form possiblities

    Hi im knew. finally got an account (woo!!) I was thinking maybe when u play as roxas, u get the drive bar. The form you get could be that u get ur Org. XIII coat and the oathkeeper and the oblivion
  14. T

    Drive form possiblities

    Hey im new. finally got an account. I dont know but...maybe a drive form when you play as roxas and u get your Org. XIII coat and the oathkeeper and oblivion.