Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Hey i just noticed (and dont flame me for saying that) that Kairi never turned into a heartless so how could she have a nobody? Because a nobody is created when a heartless is formed right? and since Sora turned into a heartless once he has a nobody(Roxas). But Kairi has a nobody(Namine) and she...
U mean Haley Joel Osment.....I've known that ever since i beat KH1....He playes Sora in KH1 too...and David Gallagher playes Riku.....and Hayden Panitierre (is that how u spell it?) playes Kairi
I just beat the game yesterday and in the ending credits it says who did the voices of who in the game and the voice of Roxas is actually played by Jesse McCartney.
Edit: Oh yeah and do u know Will Fridelle? Well he did the voice of Seifer.
Edit: whoops, mispelled McCartney in the title.
umm....theres this online radio station that plays japanese music like the songs from FMA and KH and i wanna know what that radio station is and i know some of you guys now what i'm talking about bcuzz someone on this forum told me about the website in the chat a long time ago, so if any of you...
MY ^))TH POST DUDES AND DUDETTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoops accidentally hels shift down.....MY 600TH POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LMAO if Utada came out of my CD player i'd take her in my room and do some stuff *wink wink*
dude theres this really scary Jingle Bells backwards song...omg its scary
click the link in the third post....omg its scary...
i pre ordered it so if it comes out on the 28 or the 30 i dont care im getting it anyway.....but how much would it suck if we had to wait a whole other year for it to come out?