Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Is anyone as excited about Setzer as i am... probably not... 75% of you probably havnt played ff6 which is my favorite ff. i hope his airship looks the same it was sick.
just a though: setzer is a card thrower/ gambler just like ruxodo...maybe they have some wagers.
no i dont think thed make kh2 on psp... too long and graphics are already too good for the psp. a CoM remake without cards would be amazing for psp though.
ive been flamed for saying all unknowns have the same boots before . thats the only reason i typed that i was being sarcastic. his hair isnt even that much longer and hair can grow much more than that in a year. and you dont even get a clear shot at his face so you cant really say it looks...
Re: Passion adaptaions?
well the clip of passion that we heard was kinda weak if you ask me. i hope its just like the light part of the chorus or something cuase i thought that it was really boring for a Utada song. if thats what the whole song sounds like i dont think they should make an...
Ok these are the reasons I think that the silver haired unknown has to be riku.
1.Same hair color. who cares if its longer and styled different.
2.Same boots as riku has at the end of CoM when he walks with mickey.(you can see this when sora falls to his knees)
3. sora falls on his knees in...
aldix is teh guy with the long blue hair... and yeah i think that its definalty riku. he has the soul eater same hair color. and sora falls to his knees when he takes off his hood.
you know how on kh2.co under the new trialer description it says theres 2 new org members shown? well wasnt there only one? they guy wiht the long light blue hair. he looked alot like zexion in the closeup.