• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. S

    Drop Gauge..

    My first thought was you build the gauge up and you abruptly switch over to the other character.
  2. S

    Why does everone assume BBS V2 is the mystery game?

    Yeah, what I said didn't make sense. I meant production would start in 2013 if we're lucky. I have no idea why I said we'd actually get it in 2013. Wishful thinking I suppose. No, if we're lucky we'll get it before we die.
  3. S

    Why does everone assume BBS V2 is the mystery game?

    I hate when kids try to appear clever by trying to say the obvious isn't so blatantly obvious. We're expecting a mystery game, lo & behold we get an informal trailer so to speak of the next game. Not to mention BBSv2 will fill in the remaining blanks about the past, while 3D gets the story...
  4. S

    Is anyone getting bored of BBS?

    Honestly, I played through it once and rather than start over on a harder mode, I popped it out and put it back in the box. Instead I'm wrestling with my worse for wear PS2 to play KH1 since I haven't played it in about four years. Then I'll go through the series and eventually make it back to...
  5. S

    Recoded spoiler yensid's mark of mastery test

    Reverting them back to their KH1 forms to take away their experience seems silly. It defeats the purpose of the exam, which is to test them on what they know. If they dont know anything, why are you testing them? Anyway, you can make a test harder without removing physical strength or...
  6. S

    Anybody know wtf is with Disney Town?

    Thebes was massively disappointing. For some bizarre reason, I was expecting a town with people cus I assumed BBS was following the movie. Silly me. -___- But back to Disney Town, there should have been more people since there were a handful at the Timeless River. o_O (Unless I'm mistaken and...
  7. S

    If you could take out one scene in KH2, what would it be?

    I think you meant Riku could summon a keyblade and then not give it to Kairi and instead use it himself. THAT would have made the scene acceptable and not a huge clusterfcuk of contradictions. ---- Atlantis needs to be wiped from existence. "Sora, Donald, Goofy" The scene in the Disney...
  8. S

    Funny things that have happened to you in Birth By Sleep

    On the Command Board, I zapped Stitch, Stitch zapped me back and just as he was cheering Gantu came along and zapped him. Then a little later in the same game, I zapped Stitch and then Gantu came and zapped Stitch. I actually LOL'd irl. Then when I was doing Ven's story, not two seconds after I...
  9. S

    My friend rapped over a Kingdom Hearts II sample. *MUSIC VIDEO IS NOW OFFICIALLY OUT*

    Re: My friend rapped over a Kingdom Hearts II sample. Good Lord, no wonder I keep thinking the titles says raped and not rapped. My poor, poor childhood memories... ;__;
  10. S

    Has anyone.........

    Both Wiki & IMDB says he is. Plus Crisis Core came out recently (within the last few years-recent), so I don't see why they wouldn't use the same guy.
  11. S

    Official Japanese Site Fully Open

    Maybe it's a misprint and they meant 2011? This disturbs me. Not sure if it's cus someone noticed or because it's true.
  12. S

    There Had Better Be An Option to Switch the Controls!

    Which will take all of 2 seconds. You'll live.
  13. S

    Birth by Sleep European Characters Trailer

    Never thought I'd wish my summer away. But I want it soo badly. ;__;
  14. S

    KH3DS Theory

    I know. I'm just saying we shouldn't take it so literal at this point. :)
  15. S

    KH3DS Theory

    I feel the need to point out that the trailer isn't an actual trailer. It's a demo trailer. Major difference. It supposed to give you a little tiny taste of this, and another little tiny taste of that. There's no actual game yet so it can't possibly have an official trailer. None of this stuff...
  16. S

    Backwards keyblade?

    *shrug* I've seen abrupt changes in games before. Though the game series I'm thinking of didn't change the style so much as evolve it. Maybe Sora will have more abilities. I mean it's supposed to be a new game, not a remake, so it could happen. Maybe S-E decided button mashing was no longer...
  17. S

    Backwards keyblade?

    Maybe he just changed how he swings. Now he swings upwards as opposed to downwards, like normal. No one has to be influencing anyone. Fighting styles usually change over time. Or maybe this is S-E screwing with us. I bet some bastard in Japan is laughing his ass off right now...
  18. S

    Backwards keyblade?

    This makes the most sense. Though right now it's just a demo of what the 3DS can do, not a demo of actual gameplay, so it could have absolutely no meaning. Though it is odd. o_O
  19. S

    If there WERE a 358/2 Days Final Mix...(WARNING: RISK OF SPOILERS)

    Well yes and no. Days is the game that needs a remake the most but it would have to be completely remade, top to bottom. Days is barely a good DS game, it would be an absolute horrible PS3 game. I think it's too much time & effort for a mediocre game that adds very little (mostly contradictions)...
  20. S

    If there WERE a 358/2 Days Final Mix...(WARNING: RISK OF SPOILERS)

    There's no way in hell Days is getting a FM. They wouldn't be able to fit anything else on the cartridge so they'd have to move it to another platform and face it, Days just isn't important enough to warrant a PSP or even 3DS port, let alone PS2/PS3. Not to mention there's so much to improve...