• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. T

    Birth By Sleep Portal Site

    This isn't really special news, since the Birth By Sleep website already came out and people already know about it, but the site has been added to the Kingdom Hearts portal site and can be viewed at the Link => The Official KINGDOM HEARTS Portal Site | SQUARE ENIX .... nothing special,but just...
  2. T

    Coded for North America??

    I have a question about Codeed coming to north america.... I saw the ending video for coded and if it connected to the ending of KH2 of the letter read at te end....Then wouldn't it be considered as a main plot in the seires??? Shouldn't they automatically bring it to NA so people that don't...
  3. T

    NA Birth By Sleep site and pictures

    Since the North America site has been released.... I took the picture on their and decided to share with you..... you may have seen them before, but these are from the NA site. You can view them here
  4. T

    BbS NA release date = 1 June 2010?

    People need to stop complaining...It WILL get here..... They may already be done with the programming and voices but you have to add the time it takes to compress the files together And the time it takes to make thousands of copies and ship them to the stores.
  5. T

    Birth By Sleep Release Date?

    On the gameinformer website... the release date for Birth By Sleep is posted for 6/1/10 ..... is this the correct date or an estimate.... you can look at it here Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - PSP - GameInformer.com
  6. T

    Kingdom Hearts is in the top 50

    I went to Bourders Book Store yesterday and picked up a copy of World Records 2010 Gamer's Edition...and the Kingdom Hearts series got spot #19 int he top video game series created... Hope you like that number
  7. T

    Kingdom Hearts has made another list!!!

    I just recieved my copy of GameInformer and Kingdom Hearts made #79 of the top 200 games and Kingdom Hearts II recieved spot #130 . Here are the scans.
  8. T

    Kingdom Hearts BBS (GameInformer)

    In the January 2010 edition of GameInformer, thier is an artical of BBS. It explains some of the story and explains some of the new features in the game. I have scanned it and I will post it soon.