Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
wow, It's great FOT. I'm rather impressed. Though I keep getting mental images of the worst game ever Enchanted Arms when I read it for some reason....
Despite that, it's amazing Curdy-Bird. =].
what life would be life for women without maxipads??? They never fail to do there duty. they are amazing. I think i'm gonna go buy a box right now. I JUST LOVE MAXI PADS!
i doubt it wil be in it because i think Twilight Town is the new Traverse town in KH2. So like Traverse town in KH I think Twilight Town is the world we will be visiting most often and where the story will start off.
Yeah...sure he was....xD You better be joking!
just imagine walt disney walking around with a giant key saying "Let me seal the keyhole!" He'd probaley be in an insaine asylume by 16.