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  1. F

    Xion or Shion.. THEORY!!

    Okay, I have to say something about what you said about Axel's name. T_T His name was ALE. Not LAE. Because Reno's favorite drink was ALE. And Reno and Axel look nearly IDENTICAL. Okay. Just putting that out there. And I agree...it's not like her name is incredibly important. But congrats on...
  2. F

    luxord Cloud's nobody!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Well... I would like to say yes... but I don't think Cloud ever lost his heart. :/ He's just kind of battling the darkness that's in it. Oh, and for the record: Xigbar - X = Braig :U
  3. F

    ¿BBS Home World?

    I'd like to see an original homeworld for VAT... But if not, then I'm thinking Radiant Garden. :3
  4. F

    Will the Gummi Ships Re-appear in BBS?

    Well, you have to remember that around this time is when Leon & co. escaped from Hollow Bastion. And didn't Cid say they used his Gummi Ship to get out of the world? I agree with the majority of people here; Gummi Ships should stay a KHI thing. Hopefully they had a better way to get from point A...
  5. F

    Aqua's Outfit

    On the left side of her shadow, that little bump jutting from her is not her boob. It's that spike thing on her sleeve. Right? ...Just thought I'd ask to clarify that so that there's no confusion for anybody else that reads XDD
  6. F

    Aqua's Outfit

    Maybe the turtle neck just stays around her neck (kind of like a halter top?) and the whole back is open (which would explain why there's no back to her shirt in that picture) Just a thought. XD But yeah. Aqua is officially the most kickass chick in all of the Kingdom Hearts games :3
  7. F

    A few things about Terra.

    'Kay. First off, I have the strangest feeling that Terra might be a double agent. It seems that Maleficent and Terra are working together (otherwise, why would she be explaining her motives to him?) If their cooperation is true, then this brings me to another thought.... Apparently, Master...
  8. F

    Opinion on Demyx

    I certainly hope so! Demmy is awesome!! <3 He's so harmless, you know? Poor Dem gets picked on. XD; And as for him being gay....>_> I disagree. :mellow:
  9. F

    Just wondering...

    Aw, Yttrxium beat me to it D: Everything in the Manga books is Canon...so whatever happened in the book....Get my drift? C:
  10. F

    The Stolen Photos

    Thank you very much, Griever! ^__^ @ the wiz of kh: The Dusk called Roxas "my liege" because it's lower than him.... Basically, it's like Nobodies in the Organization are high in rank, and the Dusks are not. So they obey whatever the Nobodies in OrgXIII tell them to do because they control...
  11. F

    The Stolen Photos

    Thank you (again xD) You're the first to welcome me. :)
  12. F

    The Stolen Photos

    Thanks ^_^ I think so, too. XDD Yeahhh....double posting sucks. :glare:
  13. F

    The Stolen Photos

    You're probably right, tazmanianchocobo.... But if that's it, then what happened to Pence's camera? XD; Just kidding. -sigh- I feel kinda stupid now. :/
  14. F

    The Stolen Photos

    Oh... Hmm. Maybe. :/ That might explain his puzzled look...xD; Eh, I feel sort of lame for saying it involves the Fourteenth...since everything nowadays is like "Well, maybe the XIVth was..." or "Hey, do you think this was about XIV..." But whatever. My theory still stands xD; And thanks...
  15. F

    The Stolen Photos

    Ignore this. I'm stupid and don't know how to delete posts >____<
  16. F

    The Stolen Photos

    Okay. I'll try to word this as best I can...xD So, we know that photos were stolen in the beginning of KH2, right? There were six photos stolen. We were only shown five. 1) The picture with Seifer posing and Roxas on the ground. (xD;) 2) The picture that Roxas took with that girl Jessie. 3)...
  17. F

    BBS alignment

    And considering he was grinning while doing so...doesn't make him sound like very much of a good guy to me. :/
  18. F

    Ever wondered?

    Right. When you go over and examine the table it says something along the lines of "Only a huge blast could've snapped this table" or somethin'. Well, I also agree with the fact that if you line up the doors it's just leading to a quicker way into DiZ's lab. Oh, and one other thing. What's with...