• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. F

    1000 K Heartless... 3rd Time's the Charm

    I'm not one to care about easiness really.
  2. F


    You use too many exclaimation marks... and your spelling is attrocious...
  3. F

    Roxas is Crazy!

    Poor boy... he literally IS being used...
  4. F

    whoa! roxas!

    Extremely old. And also, learn to spell. Your grammar is excruciatingly bad.
  5. F

    The titan Paradox cup

    Sora's level 99 on my game, and I still don't have the level 80 paradox cup or the level 99 cup, and I frickin can't figure out why!
  6. F

    How do you get Final form!

    Xigbar seems to be the main attraction for gaining Final Form >.>
  7. F

    Xemnas Tower Battle

    Jesus! Sorry!! ><
  8. F

    Xemnas Tower Battle

    I'm fighting Xemnas right now at the tower, I'm managing to take good chunks out of him with the Oblivion Key. I heard he was tough, but I guess not tough enough :P
  9. F

    Final form with Xigbar

    I managed to beat him first try, In my opinion it wasn't hard. But maybe your character is lower leveled. Mine's 48
  10. F

    What Level are you on?

    I'm on level 48 or 49, I gotta check. The World That Never Was. I also got Final Form :D
  11. F

    Final form with Xigbar

    I know! It was so cool. Anyone else get Final Form yet? Edit: Apparently you level it up by killing nobodies, so right now I got a lot of stuff to work with.
  12. F

    Final form with Xigbar

    Lol, I started my battle with Xigbar, and as soon as I hit for Master Form, BOOM! I get Final Form. It was totally unexpected XD
  13. F

    Gummi Ship Battles

    Personally, of all the things they've improved in this game, I think the Gummi Ship is the best. It's become a loveable past time for me when I just want a break from the constant grind of levels and bosses. My favorite level currently is the one leading to Agrabah. The music through the level...
  14. F

    Longer version of SANTCUARY *possible spoliers*

    Actually only the vid is good. Some moron just made the song repeat, and he didn't take away the sound in the background. It's really lame. Vid's ok though.
  15. F

    Kingdom Hearts 2 Opening

    Very, very old. But I'll keep my mouth shut.
  16. F

    What Do U Think One Level Will Have?

    I don't know but your sig is too big! FIX IT
  17. F

    A couple questions...

    I was not sure as to whether these questions would be counted as spoilers or not, so to be safe I posted here. -First off, when sora is comboing (i've seen videos) at the end of every combo, he lets out a sort of ring of electricity, what is that? I just recently figured it wasn't an actual...
  18. F

    Blue disk or Silver Disk?

    I got my PS2 around the time that KH came out. 2002. And I've come to discover that it has problems with blue disks. Even new games work fine on it, so long as they are silver disks. So I want to know ahead of time, are the disks blue or silver, because if they are blue, I'll have to go get an...
  19. F

    Game Play -!-!-! Port Royal -!-!-! - new heart less! New keybaldes!

    The videos are nice, but the quality of the videos are crappy. It'd be better to pack them in a zip file or host them in Filefront
  20. F

    Anyone here like DragonForce?

    They're a really cool power metal band from the UK. EVERY song of theirs I've listened to, I like. I never thought it was possible for someone to like EVERY song a band has. You guys should check them out.