Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Heres my problem. 3 girls want to go out with me. the 1st one is a the smart good grade anime watching kind og girl. The 2nd one is a gangster girl, that knows how to fight kind og girl. and the 3rd one is a sporty kind of girl. I can't decide which one to go out with, i like them all the same...
Everybody calls me a perv cause of my intrests in movies. Does anybody else like these movies or is it just me?
My fav movies: Orgazmo, Whos Your Daddy?, Road Trip, Euro Trip, South Park, and Team America
Na, i don't think the other disk will have extras. I think it will have 2 disks because of how long the game will be. And they did say that it will be twice as long as the original.
KH2 is suposed to be 1 year after the original, right, so why does Kairi look so much older in the trailer, while Sora looks the same? Can anyone help me out on this on?
So, Hey I'm new
Hey, I'm new in here, and I'm just looking for some people to talk to in this place.I like playing video games, mostly Kingdom Hearts for PS2 and GBA, and Devil May Cry 3 and also God of War. I also can't wait till KH2 comes out..