Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Let me ask you this. In KH he was given the keyblade and if you think about it they say it was rikus to start. SORA has it now. Get use to it. Stop making these polls. Who do you think. BHK is just a side kick!. Non more. Sora will always be the main person. Just saying. These polls are dumb!.
Yeah thats true!.... Nobodies are more evolved and stronger then the ordinary heartless but the ordinary must be the thoughest cause they came back AGAIN in Kh2!!
DBZ is a great show now only on like 10:30 at night...well i still watch it but its ok..i liked it more when i was a kid more little then i was now!! :D OH well its still a world fav WHO ELSE THINKS SOO!!????
Riku was the first but he choose the dark soooo hes not one anymore but in KH2 you see BHK in DD throwing him Oblivion witch means hes strongest of all hes got one of the strongest key blades and now he can control his dark and his light so thats why he can weild it. :)
there is another theared about this. In matter a fact theres like 20 threads about this!! Take a look at another! Everyone dont back seat moderate if a mod wants to close it then he/she will.