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  1. S

    Organization XIII Memories

    I really liked it. Good job.
  2. S

    The Organization's Hearts

    Didn't I just say that he was a being I am not arguing against that. And Vexen made the Repliku to turn Riku over to the Underground he wasn't finished with Riku. My discussion point is not that the Repliku wasn't a being but that he had no other connection to Sora than being Riku's clone and...
  3. S

    The Organization's Hearts

    The difference between Sora and Repliku is that Sora is an actual being and DIZ tried to use him. Repliku was made by Vexen for nothing else than to try to make Riku accept and use the darkness inside of himself. Yes he was a being, but he was nonetheless fake. a very good copy nothing else.
  4. S

    The Organization's Hearts

    all right I misspoke. Repliku does have a heart, but that still didn't make him anything more than a tool.
  5. S

    Xion theory(?) may have been said already, maybe not...

    I think Xion has more of a connection to Aqua. nice try though
  6. S

    The Organization's Hearts

    Yes Castle Oblivion was being used as a base of operations, but that doesn't mean that it was only used for memory experiments. It could have had other purposes that we never got to see. Yes, I know kingdom hearts is fantasy and that real world logic does not always work in it. But I live...
  7. S


    You know SA is right. Zexion did his job well and had a part to play in the game. sorry for the harsh comments.
  8. S

    The Organization's Hearts

    1. How do you know they did memory experiments before Namine. That is just your guess and does not hold any proof. 2. Use this example then. Now a days You may clone a cat or dog. Now even though that clone is exactly like the original animal it still does not have any connection to the...
  9. S

    The Organization's Hearts

    Namine could also implant memories into the Riku Replica even though it had no connection to Sora. I know you will say but the replica was based off of the real riku, and so was connected to Sora. But use this as an example if I were to go and see a genuine one of a kind painting. And then go...
  10. S


    I don't mind that Zexion schemed and was good at it. But for one so highly ranked in the organization to have been as weak as he was it just doesn't seem right. Say what you will now I am done. I am tired of talking to fangirls about who was a better assassin or fighter when all they think...
  11. S


    Yes but he trusted Axel enough to let him get close enough to destroy him in the end. whether he was weakened or not.
  12. S


    Zexion was smart and trusting, Unfortunatley in the Organization being to trusting can lead to your demise as seen by Zexion's death.
  13. S


    Funny no, annoying yes.
  14. S


    Yes he did survive longer than most of the other members. Fortunately Axel survived the whole thing and he is definitely one of the coolest members. And if Zexion was so smart why didn't he escape from the fake Riku when he had the chance.
  15. S

    Riku and the Keyblade

    Ok I need some help, because I keep hearing people say that Riku was the original person chosen by the keyblade. But I don't remember anything about him getting the keyblade until hollow bastion. If there was something I missed please let me know.
  16. S


    Who cares if people want to know what is going on with the Sora, Ven relationship. And if you want to discuss Terra and Aqua then make a thread about them with an interesting topic. And what is with all the caps, seriously?
  17. S


    I don't know Zexion was a horrible schemer, a glorified hound dog with that nose of his, and he died pretty pathetically. I mean he didn't even put up a fight.
  18. S

    The Organization's Hearts

    I don't think so. I think that she can change anyones memories because while in castle oblivion, donald and goofy were also having trouble remembering their friends. I just believe that Namine was forced to alter Sora's memories and because of that Sora, Donald, and Goofy are the only ones...
  19. S

    Deep Jungle?

    It was a shame, I enjoyed deep jungle.
  20. S

    who has finished KH1, lvl. 100, secret ending and ultima weapon & defeated Sephiroth?

    Re: who has finished KH1, lvl. 100, secret ending and ultima weapon & defeated Sephir I haven't. I got the secret ending then I stopped there.