Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
does any one know where to get the twilight gem after you beat him because vivi is in the forest in twilight town so they're not appearing and in the guide book it says they appear in TWTNW but i can't find them
Edit: oh yea I forgot to say that only assasins drop them
How do I get to enter that tounament..it's driving me crazy...i just need that last orichalcum+:mad:
i already completed the first three cups and i'm at the last boss in the game....how later in the game do i have to be to get it...
How do I get to enter that tounament..it's driving me crazy...i just need that last orichalcum+:mad:
Edit: i already competed the first three cups and i'm at the last boss....how later in the game do i get it...
mine was
GS: hello this is gamestop where we blah blah blah
me: umm when do you get KH2
GS: tomorrow
me: umm do you know what time you get it tomorrow
GS: yes we get the shipment around 3:00
me: ok thanx bye
yes i reserved mine at gamestop also but i don't get mine until 3:00 PM tomorrow cause thats when the shipment comes in...so i'll be waiting in gamestop until the shipment comes lol