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  1. maryadavies

    When are we expecting news?

    They are cooking though from what I've seen; their official Discord server is being restructured when it's been a free for all for a while now. Are they going to use it for a big announcement or something? We shall see.
  2. maryadavies

    Nintendo Switch 2

    Wow he didn't hold back..And if that's how most of the Ninty higher ups feel, I wouldn't be surprised if they are just as furious, if not more so, and any statements they'd make about it would be Not Safe for Work..
  3. maryadavies

    The Ask-a-Mod Thread

    Yeah, been noticing that too. Are you guys getting DDoSed or something?
  4. maryadavies

    When are we expecting news?

    This also may of come about b/c people were harassing the English voice actor behind Wuk Lamat in FFXIV! GEEZ people. Here's a article about that. Seriously. You don't need to harass someone because that was not the best character and that you got overdosed on her!
  5. maryadavies

    General ► Fun with Social Media; Twitter dying, Reddit Shenanigans, fun with Facebook.

    WOW. I guess Discord counts too. But if you like Square Enix music, FB just posted up a post from Square Enix about a OFFICAL Discord channel for their music: Square Enix Music . What a surprise.
  6. maryadavies

    General ► Fun with Social Media; Twitter dying, Reddit Shenanigans, fun with Facebook.

    AMEN, they should. Also some of my fav authors should; come on Mercedes Lackey, quit hiding over there.
  7. maryadavies

    General ► Fun with Social Media; Twitter dying, Reddit Shenanigans, fun with Facebook.

    2quid; go check. I accidentally followed something sports (I think it was related to a sports channel?) on Bluesky and had to unfollow (I don't like sports news, thankyew) But yeah, a lot of things need to see the butterfly b/c Bluesky is just getting very popular. Including Square Enix btw.
  8. maryadavies

    General ► Fun with Social Media; Twitter dying, Reddit Shenanigans, fun with Facebook.

    Maybe, maybe not. There's a lot of starter packs though for ALL sorts of subjects. Here's a directory. Also one that's NOT in that directory: Hellooo RPGamer. Basically if you have Bluesky, make sure you're logged into your browser and you can follow everyone in a starter pack. Took me a while...
  9. maryadavies

    General ► Fun with Social Media; Twitter dying, Reddit Shenanigans, fun with Facebook.

    Okay. I'm now on Threads as well, also a LOT of people are running to Bluesky. Been ignoring twitter lately since well, THAT happened. Anyone joining me?
  10. maryadavies

    Wow, it's been THAT long? (Ten year award.)

    When I saw I had the old timer award..Wow, I hadn't realized it'd been that long. Time does fly!
  11. maryadavies

    Okay bit of a update. I might of finally found the root of the sleeping issues; DUST ALLERGIES...

    Okay bit of a update. I might of finally found the root of the sleeping issues; DUST ALLERGIES ugh. Seems that messes with my nosie which messes with my breathing, which means crappy sleep. So I'm trying to dust more with a Pledge that's supposed to help with allergies. And clean my room more...
  12. maryadavies

    When are we expecting news?

    Squood; it sucks but I guess you might want to look for a deal on the ps4 collection for her ASAP. As for me, and this is personal; I finally got my Mickey Mouse CRT TV set up before Missing-Link. With my PS2. There's my retro gaming spot now :) . I'll put up pics if people are curious (had to...
  13. maryadavies

    When are we expecting news?

    Welp. Neither me nor Neko are going to bother with a Pro, we're happy with our old ps5 on the main tv (we got that not too long ago after all!) and I'm happy with my ps4. Still hoping for KH news but we'll see when it comes..
  14. maryadavies

    General ► Entertainment Strike news (yes SAG-AFTRA)

    Good on them if they could not get what they wanted; I thought the earlier agreement would prevent a strike. Nope. I hope they win. ^^
  15. maryadavies

    KINGDOM HEARTS Missing Link Coming 2025, Probably!

    ...I think I"m going to have to get this power inverter as soon as I can. I also recommend you guys get a power bank for your phone if you are playing this a lot. In the old days before I got my driver's license, a power bank was I survived when I had to use uber/lyft a lot (with at least one of...
  16. maryadavies

    Wish: New Disney Flick coming out around Thanksgiving!

    Most of them are bangers! Also I can see Wish going into KH later, seriously. ^^
  17. maryadavies

    The Good Things thread. (When something makes you wanna cheer..)

    Don't know if anyone's checked my profile messages lately but that gave me the idea for this. But yeah, this is just for those really rockin' things that hit you that make you wanna dance or cheer or both. Mods, if this is the wrong place, very sorry, please move it. Anyway what happened; Last...
  18. maryadavies

    Well, I thought I'd announce this. I'm OFFICIALLY A NEWBIE DRIVER! Got my driver's license...

    Well, I thought I'd announce this. I'm OFFICIALLY A NEWBIE DRIVER! Got my driver's license Friday, so happy. No more having to bum rides all the fraggin' time.
  19. maryadavies

    General ► This is a sad day for both Dragon Ball anime fans and old skool RPG fans. (Death of Akria Toriyama.)

    Story from the official DB site here. All I can say is we lost one of the all time greats. I'm not much of a DB or DBZ fan myself but I felt I needed to say something. I'm more of a Chrono Trigger/Dragon Warrior fan, so.. A slime draws near. Command? RIP Akira Toriyama 1955-2024 . Feel free...
  20. maryadavies

    General ► Fun with Social Media; Twitter dying, Reddit Shenanigans, fun with Facebook.

    For those that like twitter but HATE musk; Bluesky to the rescue! I got a invite just before they removed the need for that from a friend, so I'm at https://bsky.app/profile/maryadavies.bsky.social if you'd like to join me in pseudo-Twitter. Still no easy way to use Threads from desktop tho I...