Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I thought nomura said in a interview that the names would have something about ff7 advent children in them?
can anybody see what it is? I cant.. sorry if this has been made..
..........Trading cards!?! :cursing:
what on earth was he thinking! he is turning kh into an over-commercialized franchise, just likeff He should be focused on the games not making money out of pointless things like trading cards i mean who buys them anymore? i thought that died with yu-gi-oh...
Hi i am new here and have just started posting. i hope to be here really long it seem like a nice place. ^_^
well see you around the board :)
how do i get a picture underneath? can someone help? thank you
Im disappointed though, there should be the characters on the front cover in my opinion. YAY I cant wait for this to come out now!!!!! :)