Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Yeah $39.99 should be the price for the NA release since it's basically the standard for PSP games. I wonder if they'll release a bundle pack with a PSP or something...
In the TGS 2009 Trailer, didn't Eraqus say something like, "Master Xehanort is coming all this way to see you participate in the Keyblade Master Exams."? Or something along those lines.
Could that make Mickey Sora's father? Gasp! JK LOL
But i believe that there are numerous Keyblade masters i.e. all the damn Keyblades from the Keyblade War mentioned in the BBS TGS 2009 Trailer. And each of those masters could have numerous apprentices. We may only see the story from one...
I have a feeling Nomura has a team to research all these forums and get all theories together and then try to twist it into anything that does not even relate in the smallest way to any of our theories.
^^ Ur spoiler's showing.
I may be totally stating the obvious on this one but in COM doesn't Reverse Rebirth Kinda Mean Unbirth? Maybe that's a hidden reason as to why "Posessed" Riku <<(Forgot the common term) looks alot like DS. {Sorry if I'm posting a new theory inside yours Zeagal.}
If they do it won't be until after all the games are done. I don't think they would risk revealing and summarizing the main plot in manga before at least a couple thousand people have already beat the games.
Sorry i specifically forgot to mention that i was trying to figure out Xemnas' name. That's why I put down that mumbo jumbo. I think I had known that from b4 but just had one of those brain blasts. The most I can make of Xemnas without the X though is "names"
Whoa! I just realized something weird. It's probably because I'm retarded and you guys all already know this but if you add an X to any of their real names you get their human names and vice versa.
I had just had one of those brain blast ideas! Look at 3:58 in this video.To expand on Chrono's theory I think Xion's appearance is that of Aqua's here because they don't show her face. I think this is because she has the memories from Roxas/Ven/Whoever and that alters her apperance because she...
Aargh! it's the July issue. June's cover is Red Steel 2. I was finally getting my hopes up on getting some US Days news next month. The earliest we'll have anything in the US is June 12. }:
I think this is the end because you can't have your protagonists still walking around after all this is done or this shows in the beginning but we don't know that it's the end until we beat the game and possibly say "hey look it's the ending". I also believe that what happens to Ven gives them a...
I would like to see a Namine keyblade from her charm just like how the Oathkeeper was from Kairi's charm. And probably something like Oblivion for Xemnas since Ansem SoD had Oblivion. X-D