Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Ok lol. Sorry about that i'll do that. lol. Thanks for the comments guys. I tried to add your fan-fic to my sig. kiddo but it won't let me put more than 500 characters but i'll figure something out!
Probably my Final Fantasy quiz pic and stuff. I'll take it off.
Well, my cp only has dial-up so watching it on the web wouldn't work but i might have to check out the game. I think i saw it at our Sam Goody's might have to pick me up a copy, thanks.
Ok guys here ya go! This is a side story that I thought of while replaying Kingdom Hearts One. It tells the story of what might of happened if a lonely, neglected boy lived on the island with our trio of heroes Sora, Riku, and Kairi. Enjoy, and post many comments if you want!
Kingdom Hearts...
Ok for one, i've never seen .hack, sorry. Where does it come on at? Like what channel? And the only thing that needs changing is......well nothing really. What do you think N0thing? 8 out of 10. Makes me wanna watch .hack. =D
Whoo hoo! Glad someone wants to read it! Ok, i just need one thing though. I have no clue how to start a new thread. lol. Asking my trainer would take too long for her to reply so i'm asking you guys!
No prob kiddo. Haven't heard from you in awhile either N0thing. Sorry guys but tuesdays my last day on until Sunday next week. =( But keep in touch i wanna read more of your story! =D
Sorry i've not been on in awhile to read it, but i read it all and it's great so far! Man, i wanna read more! Take your time like N0thing said, ok? Keep your head high kiddo! It's a great story and my character is already in yay! I'm thinking of making a Kingdom Hearts one i've already worked on...
I've got everything except the Hades Paradox cup, secret model, and i beat Sephie on my fourth try. He wasn't that hard after leveling up some. Oh and I personally don't know what the secret model is either, explain if you want to! lol.