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Search results

  1. T

    (Revised) translation of new Famitsu interview

    Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview Thts versus XIII, cause Square is focusing on XIII and BBS for now but they're almost finished.
  2. T

    Style Commands. | Action Commands. (incorrectly titled "Style Changing Finishers")

    So far I'm only aware of Fire Blazer and Thunder Bolt which are not exclusive Styles, as well as additional Styles that may be exclusive to Aqua due to her character type being magic, called "Magic Wish" "Diamond Dust" and as well as Tera's "fatal mode" which grants him high attack power and...
  3. T

    (Revised) translation of new Famitsu interview

    Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview I doubt it will be called KH 3 because of what Nomura has stated in recent interviews, and it's not wise to curse a man who has created a franchise that we all enjoy playing.
  4. T

    (Revised) translation of new Famitsu interview

    Re: (Rough!) translation of new Famitsu interview Dissidia Universal Tuning.
  5. T

    Unbirth - Unverse

    why are people still coming up with theories when the games been out for months?
  6. T

    New Famitsu Scan (Lilo & Stitch World)

    if u have a functioning PSP i say wait, and to the guy above there were rumors about a PS3 Slim and that's releasing in september so stfu.
  7. T

    New Famitsu Scan (Lilo & Stitch World)

    PSP GO seems pretty crappy anyway, why buy one if you could just hack your PSP? The PSP 2 has been rumored to be as powerful as the first Xbox, well as having phone capability. On that on that note Microsoft is also working on a portable gaming device. Report: Sony considers adding phone to...
  8. T


    I see, well think what you want, to be honest i can't come to a conclusion myself.
  9. T


    nah i have friends that're gonna go so i reallie don't care. TV is boring, i'd rather go hangout with friends, besides G4 only spends like 10 minutes talking about the stuff i wanna know. I wanna know about Versus XIII's status, cause Noctis is awesome.
  10. T


    Xigbar is taller than Sora though so it wouldn't matter if he was shorter than Braig.
  11. T


    September. Sadly I can't go this year. Y^Y
  12. T

    New Famitsu Scan (Lilo & Stitch World)

    "Fire Blazer" and "Speed Rave" aren't exclusive, they're "Finish" techniques, Terra was able to use Speed Rave but it seemed less effective than Ven's. "Fatal Mode" isn't exclusive to Terra either, however the way the move is performed differs between the three characters, in Fatal Mode it...
  13. T


    TGS is soon so maybe Square will drop more hints.
  14. T


    Sorry i keep forgetting Days only came out in Japan not America, it seems so boring now cause it's been out for months. I doubt Braig is the Soldier tho, due to the Soldier's height.
  15. T


    True. Braig seems to have a relationship with Ventus tho, because of both the references in KH 2 and when he fought Xion in Days, he saw Ventus.
  16. T

    New Famitsu Scan (Lilo & Stitch World)

    The D-link seems to dictate use of "Fatal Mode".
  17. T

    New Famitsu Scan (Lilo & Stitch World)

    weird thing is the D-link used to be the focus gauge, and the focus was a blue gauge under the D-link. http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/kingdomhearts/images/0/0c/Bbs12.jpg
  18. T

    New Famitsu Scan (Lilo & Stitch World)

    haha, it's because the scans suck, so we can't see what that gauge actually is.
  19. T


    It's just an edjucated guess haha you people take things too seriously, but in the fight between the two Sephiroth said Cloud couldn't let go of the darkness, he couldn't let go of his past. Since BBS takes place 10 years prior to KH most likely the KH team would explain what led Cloud to...
  20. T


    Pretty sure there will still be some cameos because the residents of Radiant Garden knew of the Keyblade due to their king Ansem the wise, but as for whom will appear is still a mystery. Zack is likely to make an appearance, because of the Cloud sidestory in KH 2.