Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
What would you like to see in it? Do you want a well-known anime studio on the animation? Or a certian director or animation director? Discuss your opinions here.
Personally, I envision the 14th member with purple hair. I don't know why. Opinions are obviously welcome.
P.S. I'm very sorry if there were threads like this. So no flaming please.
1. When Roxas gave up his freedom to fuse with Sora.
2. The part where Goofy is 'dead'
3. When Axel died, though it didn't make me as sad as most people here.
Score: 9
This is an awsome game.
Graphics: 9
The graphics is greatly improved.
Sound: 9
Difficulty: 3.2 on Beginners mode and 7.5 on Proud mode
Playability: 9
Replay Value:8.8
Some not so good things:
MOST of the voice acting was great,except for two CERTAIN characters (Aerith and Cid...
Power form
Sora's black clothes turn purple. Gives Sora super-human strengh and speed.
Fuses with Riku and Goofy.
Pros: Instead of using keyblades, Sora can use his bare fists.
Cons: You can't use magic.
1. Aeriths' voice.
2. No kissing scene with Sora and Kairi.
3. The whole Goofy 'dying' scene.
4. I should have put this first, but the whole Cure/Cura/Curaga taking up all of your magic bar was just gay!
P.S. I like Santcuary, though the Passion lyrics are a little better.
I like the script and voice acting. Though, some of the lines were kind of dorky,lame,and/or corny. And I can't stand Aerith's voice actor. She sounds empty and emotionless. In KH1, she had a smaller part, but Mandy Moore did a much better job.
In Twilight Town, when Sora sheds a tear. And when Goofy got hit on the head with the large rock and everybody thought he died, but Mickey felt guilty because Goofy pushes him out of the way.