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  1. Sonofjafar

    Nintendo Switch 2

    If we get a new Smash Brothers for Switch 2, would you guys prefer Live A Live representation in the form of mii costumes of the protagonists or a fighter slot that works like the Koopalings but with each of said protagonists
  2. Sonofjafar

    What is your idea of a scary horror game?

    imagine a horror game has just come out and the base concept sounds like it was made specifically to scare you into a coma. What would that game look like? For me, it would be a game where illustrations from vintage children’s books come to life and jump scare you FNAF style. Imagine being read...
  3. Sonofjafar

    Politics Welp, America’s screwed

    It was a combination of that attitude and restrictive voting laws in red states that led to this result. If every citizen were allowed to vote with no exceptions, Kamala would have broken that glass ceiling and Trump would be in jail
  4. Sonofjafar

    Nintendo Switch 2

    I don’t wanna be too unrealistic for the Switch 2 library but… Pokémon Mystery Dungeon…?
  5. Sonofjafar

    What side games do YOU want?

    Few key differences: 1. The 3D worlds themselves are based on non-Mickey Mouse related shorts rather than being 2D transitional levels 2. Each world’s boss will be one of the villainized guardians 3. The game would have a wacky, fourth wall breaking sense of humor much like it’s inspiration...
  6. Sonofjafar

    When are we expecting news?

    I forgot about the Japanese developer part.
  7. Sonofjafar

    What side games do YOU want?

    A Banjo Kazooie style 3D platformer starring Mickey, Donald, and Goofy where the Disney Villains have figured out the process needed to Nort someone and have used it on the Guardians of Light to possess their bodies. Now the disney trio have to work together through various worlds based on...
  8. Sonofjafar

    When are we expecting news?

    Banjo Threeie?!
  9. Sonofjafar

    When are we expecting news?

    Yeah but it’s clearly edited animation cycles from other sources. This can’t possible reach the standard of quality nessicary to make consoles
  10. Sonofjafar

    When are we expecting news?

    So.. that trailer is fake right?
  11. Sonofjafar

    What are your thoughts on Demyx being the Master of Masters Theories?

    people who call any established character the MoM are like people who can’t tell the difference between a monkey and a guy in a monkey suit while watching Congo. If you get this reference, you bother explaining it.
  12. Sonofjafar

    Worlds of Kingdom Hearts | Star Wars is here, bby! Other live action films?

    we thinking Nickelodeon or Comedy Central?
  13. Sonofjafar

    KH4 Re-Reveal Hopes And Expectations

    What is this “scrap and build” you speak of? Did Nomura mention it in an interview after the trailer we saw?
  14. Sonofjafar

    Worlds of Kingdom Hearts | Star Wars is here, bby! Other live action films?

    Yeah pretty much a combination of that and Mettaton’s musical number in Undertale
  15. Sonofjafar

    Worlds of Kingdom Hearts | Star Wars is here, bby! Other live action films?

    If Kairi’s going into her own mind as an Inside Out world, could we get a scene where she runs into her mind’s interpretation of Sora?
  16. Sonofjafar

    KH Shower Thoughts

    He’s a sorcerer, not a psychic.
  17. Sonofjafar

    TV ► Shows you love that everyone else hates

    when it comes to Sonic shows, my personal favorite will always be The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. It’s not just for the memes either. I just like the idea of a video game cartoon giving us the 90s equivalent to Bob Clampet cartoons
  18. Sonofjafar

    Fourth Wall Breaking in Kingdom Hearts 4

    If they felt the need to make the X in every Organization 13 member’s name an important part of Xehanort’s master plan, nothing is above a bizarre explanation
  19. Sonofjafar

    if you could change anything about Kingdom Hearts (2024 edition)

    Give lesser known Disney films a chance at world rep. I get most of the Disney worlds are either fan service or just planet sizes ads for current hits but at least give us SOMETHING from between Jungle Book and Little Mermaid
  20. Sonofjafar

    Kingdom Hearts Nitpicks

    if Xehanort is norting the real organization 13, then wouldn’t they all be the same shard of the X Blade and not technically 13 different shards?