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Search results

  1. L

    Sanctuary may get an official release after all...

    Barring the songs from Kingdom Hearts, I'm not really a huge fan of her style of music. I'm sure if I went through her catalog, I'd find some more that I like. That being said, though, I wish her success in the States. Including Sanctuary and/or Simple and Clean is probably a good idea to jump...
  2. L

    How excited where you when you got KH2

    I was only a little excited, tbh. It had been too long since the first game (yeah I gave up on CoM after like an hour) for me to get quite so hyped. In fact I realized recently that I had bought it used, so I must have waited quite a bit after it came out to buy it. Hmm that wont be so when Days...
  3. L

    How Excited Are you Right now for 358/2 days

    I'm wicked excited for it. I can't wait to play as the different Organization members. It should be a lot of fun and really interesting since they all have such unique fighting styles.
  4. L

    I made sea salt ice-cream =D

    I like that idea. I think I'll just buy some popsicle molds and do that. It's better than making it from scratch cuz you can use fat free frozen yogurt and make it healthier. Heavy cream is way too fattening, especially for just after the holidays!
  5. L


    LOL you're my favorite person ever.
  6. L

    What was your reaction when you first got final form?

    LOL yes, that was about my reaction. "Dang PS2, acting up again!" *smack*
  7. L

    Black hoods

    It's a fair question. There's no reason to be rude about it. It's something I've been wondering as well, particularly on Mickey's part.
  8. L

    What kinda car??

    So yeah. On the way back from a Harry and the Potters concert (LOL) my water pump blew on I-95 south. Luckily I had a friend with me, so it was more like an adventure than anything (otherwise I would have been crying) and it was a beautiful night so it wasnt so bad. Anyhow, I called AAA and...
  9. L

    American Pie game

    This is a fun game for fans of the song American Pie (and everyone is, of course!). I hope this isnt considered spam. Anyway, I start with the first line of the song, and everyone posts one line, till it's all done. It's a long song, so it usually lasts a while. And no cheating! Everyone only...
  10. L

    Favorite KH2 World

    I like Twilight Town myself. Hollow Bastion is pretty cool too.
  11. L

    how did you get KH2?

    Wow, so many of you got it right when it came out! I couldn't afford it at that time (damn gas prices). I feel so out of the loop though! And Twilight Night, I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. :(
  12. L

    how did you get KH2?

    did you really steal it? or am i just really gullible?
  13. L

    how did you get KH2?

    i bought mine last week used at gamestop. i got the special guide book that has jiminy's journal, and comes in a big white cardboard box bookcover thing. is that what you're all talking about with the limited edition book?
  14. L

    passion and sanctuary

    I actually like Sanctuary better than Passion, myself. I didnt like the song at all at first, but after a while it kind of grew on me.
  15. L

    countdown for my signature?

    I dont know if this is the right place, but does anyone know if it's possible to have a countdown for my signature? (ie- this many days till my birthday) Sorry if this has been discussed already or something... but thanks in advance for any help!
  16. L


    Hi all, I'm new here. I just finished Kingdom Hearts II and I'm anxious to discuss it! I'm excited to become a part of you're community!