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  1. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    And to me, it isn't even just that, I think one of the main reasons what KH4 has been so silent is because of the engine switch, sort of like what happened to KH3. Sure, switching to UE5 from UE4 isn't as intensive as with KH3, but even then, I've heard that switching to UE5 isn't as simple as...
  2. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    It looks like he did. I skimmed the video at first, but in the beginning he credits someone called Samu, who he claims has been diving into the HTML codes for ML's site. Don't know if this person is the same as Illty, though.
  3. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    So GamersJoint just released a video showing a somewhat interesting update for ML. I typically don't really use him for news, but adding just for discussion sake. So apparently, someone found in the code of ML's website a "Pre-order now" and "Buy now" options have been added. Of course, this...
  4. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    Oh wow, finally we hear something. At least now we know. Not really surprised. Guessing they were really trying for the 2024 release, but the game needed some extra work.
  5. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    Not to mention that also happened with Ever Crisis. It's beta was due to release in late 2022, but got delayed to summer 2023, and the full game was released on September 7th, 2023. Although Nomura's interview seemed to imply it was still coming this year, I can't help but feel ML was delayed as...
  6. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    Wow, that was a bit more then I was expecting for this interview. It is definitely interesting to know that the Lost Masters arc is indeed going to be the last for this series. In a way, I am actually kind of glad. While it is bittersweet to know that the end of the KH series is now in sight, I...
  7. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    Huh, that's interesting. Keeping my hopes low of course, but if Nomura is indeed going to mention KH in this interview, we might hear something. It likely won't be anything substantial, but at the very least, maybe he could give an update on where KH4 is in development, and more likely what is...
  8. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    At this point, I'm honesty not expecting anything on KH4 until next year. I do hope we hear something about ML soon though. I wonder if they are still aiming for 2024. Guessing development on it ended up being more work then they thought. As for Sora in Fortnite, I do think that could be a fun...
  9. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    Wow, I think this is the first time Nomura has made any kind of comment on KH in a while, barring the infamous direction change quote. At least we know they are still hard at work on KH4.
  10. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    Yeah, the more I think about it, I think Spockanort was right in that the wait time for KH4 might be because of Covid. It should be noted that Yoshi P did day about a year ago that FFXVI's development was halted by six months due to the pandemic. Considering that FFXVI was clearly in development...
  11. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    I will say, at least Geoff admitted ahead of time instead of letting people get their hopes up. Honestly, I now am starting to get a bit worried about KH4 now. I know Nomura did say that it would be a while before we heard anything, but the fact we've gone two and a half years without anything...
  12. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    Considering that Square has been teasing most of their releases on social media before an announcement, including ML several months back, we should be keeping an eye on the social media accounts. If we don't see any kind of tease, I think we can guess that it probably won't be there. That isn't...
  13. blank points

    KINGDOM HEARTS Missing Link Coming 2025, Probably!

    Honestly, the more I see of this game, the more torn I find myself feeling. On the one hand, it looks great and really fun to play, but the gacha elements keep putting me off. I do hope the game is playable without the gacha being too invasive, but that's probably wishful thinking.
  14. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    I can't help but feel a little concerned myself, though I'd like to think that KH4 is proceeding at least pretty well in development. That first trailer was very polished, and if I remember correctly, Nomura said in the first interview for the game that development was being prioritized, so I...
  15. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    Huh. This is interesting. Granted, the context in the descriptions does seem different. Nomura in his interview seems to saying that the different positions are between the characters in two different realms. Sora being in "unreality", and the others back in "reality", while Reynatis's...
  16. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    It's funny, I just saw this, and immediately thought of this myself. The main character is literally almost a dead ringer for Yozora. It does look cool, so I'll probably pick it up, but it does seem odd that Nojima would come out with this when he probably knows Nomura is working on VR for KH...
  17. blank points

    When are we expecting news?

    Yeah, at this point, I'd like to think that it shouldn't be too much longer before we hear anything on KH4. I'd say the earliest we could hear anything would be in the February-March range, if Square wants to market KH4 just before Rebirth comes out. And it seems that Summer Game Fest has taken...
  18. blank points

    KINGDOM HEARTS Missing Link Coming 2025, Probably!

    Wow, the graphics really have improved so much from that first trailer. Really looking forward to this. Hope we do get an English dub.
  19. blank points

    Square Enix teases Kingdom Hearts Missing Link

    Oh wow, finally! Good to see KH news is coming. Really like the art of Scala at night.
  20. blank points

    Dearly Beloved, Dearly Departed - the KH voice actors who are no longer with us

    Oh damn, I too had no clue Charles Kimbrough passed away, and it was awhile ago too. Glad we got to have him in DDD.