Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I just got the Ultimania book. This looks amazing, and I haven't read any of the novels.
I really hope this thing doesn't sell out as I cant get it this year.
I enjoy Janky wrpg games like Elex(and other European rpgs) or Cyberpunk 2077.
And I also wish for the days of common AA or B level games, if that makes sense.
So...after some super duper searching, I got nothing.
Most of the sites in a simple Google/duckduckgo/etc. search seem to be only phishing sites(all you gotta to do is sign up and download our movie software! Also it's in 4k, we promise!)
I also dug deep into a bunch of free anime streaming...
I don't mind doing so if you know the best place I can go to find a DL link.
I don't know of a site with films/anime of current japanese films in theatres.
Thanks to both of you!
I was not aware of the Union X seasons nor KH FP/DR...I'll definitely follow that useful guide and look Damp(edit: Damo) on YT to watch them.
Especially FP/DR...dont know if those are short games or movies 😄
I bought KH 1 and 2 back on ps2 as I heard how good they were. Even played half of the first game 10+ years ago, but I eventually laid it aside for other games.
They laid in my backlog for the longest time. Also bought the DS/3DS/PSP games for the day I would finally start(I have a...