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  1. choco-pocky

    KH3D English Trailer Up!

    So am I; I wonder if it will still be Kate Higgins or someone completely different.
  2. choco-pocky

    KH3D English Trailer Up!

    I am so squealing like a 12 year old fan-girl right now. I did not expect this; thought we would have to wait until E3 to get an English trailer.
  3. choco-pocky

    Light and Darkness in relation to people in detailed observation

    I thought Nomura said in an interview that Sora's ability to wield a keyblade was from his own strong heart and not because of Ven being inside of him. So isn't this Sora's ability to wield a keyblade through connections of other hearts a bit contradictory to what Nomura said in that interview?
  4. choco-pocky

    Light and Darkness in relation to people in detailed observation

    Thank You!! Their were two people on KH13 that were making forums saying that Sora was not a true keyblade wielder all because of what MX and Braig said. I was getting annoyed because I knew that was not the case, beside MX is known for mind kupping, so people shouldn't always take what he...
  5. choco-pocky

    Light and Darkness in relation to people in detailed observation

    Just a quick question, is Sora an actual keyblade wielder and one of the 7 lights? I have heard a few people say that Sora is not a true keyblade wielder because of what MX said in 3D and because Sora's power to wield the keyblade is from him connecting with the hearts of the wielders. I for...
  6. choco-pocky

    Kingdom Hearts 3D - Ending + Secret Ending

    Re: Kingdom Hearts 3D - Ending Thanks for the input, I have not watched a whole playthrough of DDD just read some information about the ending on the internet.
  7. choco-pocky

    Kingdom Hearts 3D - Ending + Secret Ending

    Re: Kingdom Hearts 3D - Ending Just a quick question and if it has been discussed I am sorry, but is this journey that Sora is going on alone a second chance at becoming a keyblade master or is it just a way for Sora to find himself and become stronger. I have heard from multiple spectators...
  8. choco-pocky

    KH 3D in NintendoGamer UK

    Maybe they are just assuming Leonard Nimoy will not return because he said that he was retiring after birth by sleep, although we all know that he has done other voice overs after birth by sleep. I still have hope that he will return and the only way I will lose that hope is if Nimoy says it...
  9. choco-pocky

    The Official Voice Actor Discussion Thread

    Re: The Official VA Discussion Thread Hayden Panettiere, I think.
  10. choco-pocky

    KH 3D Official Site Updated! (2/14)

    My God this trailer is beyond amazing; already watched it 5 times now. Thanks to this trailer I am so far behind in my homework it is not even funny. Better go do it.
  11. choco-pocky

    Will there be mild language in KH 3D or other future KH games?

    The only person acceptable to swear in Kingdom Hearts is Cid Highwind. I can see it now, after holding all his profanities and having to give up his cigarettes, thanks to Disney censorship, he explodes in a cussing frenzy. Lame attempt at a joke; won't get it unless you have played final...
  12. choco-pocky

    Will there be mild language in KH 3D or other future KH games?

    I highly doubt there would be any foul language in a kingdom hearts game. I've only heard the word hell used in the games and it technically wasn't used as a swear word. The only time it was used as a swear word, like everybody else said, was in COM. The only time I would want foul language...
  13. choco-pocky

    [Spoilers] Jump Festa 2012 Coverage! (Trailer Downloads in First Post!)

    Hello I am new to these forums, so if I repeat anything that has already been said or if it just sounds stupid I am sorry. Do you guys think that the final boss of DDD could be Master Xehanort, but Sora, Riku and Mickey end up losing the battle, which leads into kingdom hearts 3. I am just...