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  1. K

    Fanfiction ► Sakura chan

    Im Not sure what you should call him.....But you no the name you said to me in private messages? Well In Fruits Basket (An Anime) One of the main Characters is called that! Lol!
  2. K

    Fanfiction ► Ever Lasting Love

    Right I no this is random but I think that one of the most weirdest and painful ways to die is if......... Your tied up.........and theres someone there..........Poking you with a with a stick....A really LONG and POINTY stick.......... For 3 days........ 0_0 It scares me.....
  3. K

    Fanfiction ► You Promised......

    I might put another chapter up on the weekend.....Im not sure
  4. K

    Fanfiction ► Ever Lasting Love

  5. K

    Fanfiction ► You Promised......

    Thats ok with me ^_^ (25 Character rule)
  6. K

    Fanfiction ► You Promised......

    If you want to I dont mind
  7. K

    Fanfiction ► Sakura chan

    ......Dont even go that far.......... Joke! lol
  8. K

    Fanfiction ► Ever Lasting Love

  9. K

    Fanfiction ► You Promised......

    MUHHHAAAAA Yay! I wish you guys could spam too :(
  10. K

    Fanfiction ► Sakura chan

    Were not really cuz we are thinking of something that has to do with the thread
  11. K

    Fanfiction ► Ever Lasting Love

    but it said 101 before I posted this comment (It now says 102) so I had to of been 100th..........Right?
  12. K

    Fanfiction ► The New Life- Full Heart101

    Hey ^_^ Just thought I would tell you guys that the writer hasnt posted a chapter in like 8 months, I no cuz I was reading from when she first started the fanfic Thought Id tell you :D Hope you can wait.
  13. K

    Fanfiction ► Sakura chan

    Hmm you call him................. NARUTO! lol One problem though....Naruto doesnt wear black......hmmm
  14. K

    Fanfiction ► You Promised......

    lol yeah.......................I dont no what to say............ Hey am I aloud to SPAM on my own Fanfic?
  15. K

    Fanfiction ► Ever Lasting Love

    Wooooo! I Just Did The 100th Post Of My Own Fanfic!
  16. K

    Fanfiction ► You Promised......

    Thats the main thing I do cuz when im writing im like a machine and I cant be stopped so I dont really notice.
  17. K

    Fanfiction ► Ever Lasting Love

    lol Its ok we all have life only we get bored of it so we go on the internet to enjoy ourself :D
  18. K

    Fanfiction ► Sakura chan

    OoOoOoOoOoOoO Whats going to happen? I WANT TO NO!
  19. K

    Fanfiction ► Ever Lasting Love

    Im not being mean or anything but your always online ILoveKh2ForLife lol And you no I had it so Sora was listing to Sakura Kiss? Well thats the theme song for Ouran High School Host Club an Anime witch I LOVE at the momant...I cant wait for the second season to come out! ^_^
  20. K

    Fanfiction ► Sakura chan

    Deal and MUHHHAAAAA I already have :toungesmile: