Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Yeah the command deck system at this point is just too easy to take advantage of. I kind of hope they just disregard trying to have it make sense with BBS play style and go full blown Kingdom Hearts 3 system. Put in keyblade transformation, flow motion, everything.
However I kind of want them...
Victor is right, you need to start developing the discipline to go to every class, even the ones where they don't take attendance or anything like that. You'll also see your classes starting to empty out further and further throughout the semester as people decide to get on the class-skipping...
Actually in kh2fm they added a side-quest of sorts in Hollow Bastion/Radiant Garden called the Cavern of Remembrance and they designed the platforms so that the only way to make it all the way through is by leveling up all your forms up to at least their third ability level (i.e quick run lvl 3...
Late to the party, but I was actually expecting a worldwide release on this one. Also is it possible that the US release will mimic these pre-order options?
I honestly did not notice any difference whatsoever. Was it supposed to be improved? All I know is that the Oogie's Manor fight was still annoying as fuck becuase of it
Re: playable KH2 Sora in 3D?
Well I don't think it's quite the same because in Days, Ven's data was actually created to fit into a cutscene, so the framework was already there. As far as I'm aware, there isn't any such data for Sora in 3D
damn getting straight to it
but seriously, I was thinking the same thing (not the exact diagnosis lol but you get it). Someone extremely close to me was dealing with these exact symptoms and the process taught me that waiting around looking for answers by yourself only makes it worse. Get some...
So I've just reached Hallow Bastion and watched the cutscene where Riku takes the Keyblade from Sora. As you may have noticed, Donald and Goofy straight-up homie ditch Sora like it's no big deal.
Now I know they had a mission to fulfill from King Mickey but that's just ridiculous. Keep in mind...
Equipping slapshot is really good for breaking up any of his combos since his chain swings are pretty fast and hard to interrupt normally.
Also, Strike Raid is the ultimate anti-boss command. It grants you invulnerablity while breaking through their guard and doing good damage