Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
it is either your disc has a scratch or u have a bad eye in your ps2
possible solutions if your disc is scratched get a disk doctor or get a new game
if not get a new ps2
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***
ok in kh king triton didnt want to help sora because the legond about the keybladeweilder is the bringer of chaos
so maybe sora is the one that saved the world
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***
ok now this is goin off the theory that chasers are born like heartless from the light in ppls hearts
the knights could be sora/kairi's chaser and xenahorts chaser could be the one walking up
not sure about 3rd one tho
Re: KH2 Ending Discussion Thread ***Major Spoilers***
and i dont kno if anyone else noticed but the knights were 2 guys and a girl so umm yea:)
maybe sora riku and kairi
ok in com i was under the impresion that org 13 gave sora the keyblade but kh2 kinda went agenst that
but marluxia kep sayin he chose rit that sora is the rit one
maybe roxas remembers that and wanted to do it
hi i play dark age of camelot was wonderin who else does
my toons are all on pellinor server ther names r
botsformike "because everyone needs a bot":D