• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. D

    Fanfiction ► Intertwined in Fate

    Wow you finally updated after a bijillion days. But its great keep going!
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    Fanfiction ► Left Behind...

    Nice update and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Can not wait to read more so update soon.
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    Fanfiction ► Left Behind...

    That sounds very very very painful. Hope you feel better soon.
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    Fanfiction ► Left Behind...

    The one with Daisuke is so cute! Riku and Dark are so hot in those icons XD. Kaze likes bubble? huh? Anyways the icons are really cool i like them. So all you need to do is update ^-^.
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    Have anyone of you...

    God I hope not. That would suck. But I haven't heard any rumors about Namine's voice.
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    Why Isnt Neverland In KH2?

    Yeah. It would have been nice to have actually gone to Neverland and not Captian Hook's ship. I say POTC because Neverland was only good for flying as most of you said.
  7. D

    Fanfiction ► *~Accidentally In Love~*

    YYYEEESSS!!! Finally it is winter break in Columbia!! MuhaaHa! Anyways nice fanfic and yes you should update more.
  8. D

    Fanfiction ► B.i.s.h.i.e.:kat/tlp/k_k Pwns Yer' Soul!!!!!

    Ummm I guess i'll go with the two above and vote for Pickle also.
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    Where's Aerith?

    I hope that Aerith isn't dead in KH2. I really like her. She really nice especially since she gave me curaga which helped out a WHOLE BUNCH.
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    Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: Hearts of Destiny

    I am only at chapter 5 but it is really good! I also love the pictures there too!
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    Fanfiction ► Its Only You 2: A Fallen Angel's Return

    Sorry! double posted on accident *hits self on head*
  12. D

    Fanfiction ► Its Only You 2: A Fallen Angel's Return

    Gasp :eek: ! It was Strider! Wasn't he Aorz best friend?
  13. D

    Fanfiction ► *~Accidentally In Love~*

    I know a website where you can read DNAngel manga it is called http://www.stoptazmo.com/ and after that i read the rest on http://mangaviewer.vrwarp.com/ but i am not sure if they have it anymore. Or you could buy the manga from booksamillion or waldenbooks
  14. D

    Fanfiction ► Whispers of Destiny ((repost!))

    So close. Well anyway I love your fanfic. It is really good! Now I just have to wait for you to update.
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    Fanfiction ► Of Worlds and Wings

    Everyone is wright your fan fic is really good! I can't wait utill you post the next part! Great Job!
  16. D

    Fanfiction ► Its Only You 2: A Fallen Angel's Return

    Yay! ^o^! I finally caught up! Anyways it is really good. I am a little confused about the characters and stuff like that because I haven't seen Corpse Bride.
  17. D

    Fanfiction ► B.i.s.h.i.e.:kat/tlp/k_k Pwns Yer' Soul!!!!!

    Cool! Another fanfic to follow. You guys are really funny! Update soon!