• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. B

    what is your least favorite heartless?

    Large body Heartless are the worst, like stated above. They are so anoying to kill... :O
  2. B

    Do you think BBS will ever be released for PS3?

    I'm buying a PSP for KH: BBS alone. I do think someday BBS will be up in the online PS3 store. :)
  3. B

    whatis your sadst moment in kingdom hearts

    There's alot of touching moments in Kingdom Hearts, I really like the Sora x Kairi parts most. In KH, pretty much in the last cutscene, where Sora finds Kairi, but they get divided again by the darkness. :< Sad moments! I always hope Sora finds Kairi...
  4. B

    Burai says hi!

    Well.. How to start?... I'm burai, I'm 20 years old, male, and I *lightly expressed* love the KH series. So far I have every game, and I'm now eagerly awaiting BBS (still gotta purchase a PSP for that game). In my free time I love to work with Photoshop (or in general, adobe), and next year I...