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Search results

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    Imogen Heap

    any one heard of her? she one of my favorite singers. if u have heard of hre what songs and stuff do u like?
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    THEORY of mine that MAY be a SPOILER, I dunno...

    Ruxik, Kixur, Rikxu(riKs-soo),
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    do i need to say spoiler? *sora and roxas (pictures)*

    ok, so i have got some of what i think incredible screen shots of kingdom hearts 2!! soras new keyblade - Hidden Dragon (mulan) http://shutter03.pictures.aol.com/data/pictures/04/001/5E/E7/2C/53/VCgJMDcPakZ+m4HdAgsCH2XiQBoGrRvo013D.jpg another new keyblade - Star seeker (yensid)...
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    Close This!!!

    close this
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    Digimon: Digital Monsters

    who has watched this show? who liked it? and who actually payed attention to it? what was your favorite season and why? but i thought it was a pretty good show all around and i would say season 3 was my favorite season. but my favorite character would probobly be wilis from the digimon movie...
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    Magna Carta - Letter of the 8 Heros

    i was wondering if any one managed to write down what the letter said about the 8 heros. or if there is a sight with that letter on it. well in any case would some one be able to get it to me? plz and thx
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    Hyung-Tae Kim

    does any one know if he has published a "how to" anime book? just curious cuz he is just about the best artist i have ever seen.
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    apple ipod

    this may be a lil off topic or something but does any one know how to uplaod songs to it, cuz i got one and i dont know how to. some one please help me
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    ffx-2 dressspheres / creation

    this is where you can post about a dresssphere that you have thought of and would like to share. and you can also post what dresspheres look best one a person. (if you dont know what some characters look like with a dressphere, go here http://www.ffshrine.org/ffx2/ffx2_dresssphere.php)
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    i know there is already a thread talking about it and stuff but this is a little bit different. but ya... i recently got some money and i want to buy this game, but there are a few different games of it. correct me if im wrong. but what one is the best for computer? cuz i dont have an X box...
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    Sora's clothes and what is this place?

    i think thats like the beasts manor, cuz in some other pics in the same place belle is giving donald a hug.
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    mortal kombat deadly alliance

    ok, i cant get my fatalities to work, and so does any one know how i could get them to work? cuz ive looked every where.
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    Re: dics at 1st i was wondering why u guys were talking about dics.....but if there are 2 discs and one is bhk, do u think u'll have to beat soras side or what?
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    well marluxia is like flowers and i would consider that earth but lexius (spelling) is rock and i would also consider that earth....never now. but i dont see xaldin as a person that would want to get wet, he looks more like a wind element person to me. ok, so who are all the 13 people of the...
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    is that the only pic of him?
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    hmmm....well i just read a post saying that Xaldin was an unknown... and i dont know anthing about him and i havent seen him and i was wondering if any one had a pic of him and some info they could share
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    Funny (and sad) inaccuracy about KH2...

    OMG THATS HORRIBLE!!! (rolls on floor laughing) but its really funny. that guy must feel really stupid now.....poor poor sap
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    fusion question

    i agree with one-winged-angel. that would piss me off so much. getting us all hyped up bout bhk having 2 keyblades to figure ot we can only wield 2 with fusion.....*starts to cry*
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    I Found A Video!!!!

    in the video u get to see some stuff of sora fighting cerberus with auron and sora fighting the chinese dragon. and theres also some final fantasy stuff, but ya.... make sure u watch the WHOLE video http://media.www.gamestats.com/media/488/488222/vids_1.html watch the video where is says...
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    dark cloud 2 weapons

    for all of u that play dark cloud 2 what is ur favorite weapon? for the wrench mine is cubic hammer. iv gotten all the way to heavy hammer and poison wrench. my favorite gun is wild cat. gotten all the way to sexy panther favorite sword is dark excaliber. that sword is so friggin awesome and fav...