Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
just an quick question...will Birth by Sleep Final Mix get released outside Japans for US and Europe? if so, will there be an special edition like the normal BBS?
nope won't import it. but i'll get it. first japanese version, then USA version, then maybe EU version, and then...the world!
i have a R4 NDS card so the fisrt three things will be easy.
bah i hate it!! no just kidding xD
i can't wait for it. i have a R4 cards for my NDS so i can download the japanese version when it comes out. so a few more months for me!
lol xemnas creeps you out? i think saïx is the scary one. xemnas is just a wierdo trying to be smart.
but i think my fav scene is after you defeat xemnas for the first time. or just before it. he is then so angry but still you kick his ass.
they actually say it already. they stay in the realm of darkness to clear it. the realm of light is cleared, now the realm of darkness.
(it's on the same vid round 5:05)
kurt zisa is the hardest, but i like the ice titan the the most. to bad the rock titan isn't able to pick. he's easy and fun. i have defeated him one time without losing health (after many fight's i knew what he was going to do)
hey! i was checking my mail just now, and i had a mail of gamespot about the tokyo gameshow. it also had a piece of kh 358/2 days. not much news, but it is something.
here's the site: TGS 2008: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Trailer, Co-op, and Single-Player Impressions - DS News at GameSpot
lol. they just stop before xion refeals her face. that's what i call mean ^_^
but i think that if 358/2 days comes to japan in february, it will come to US round summer and europe round the winter.