• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Search results

  1. F


    I came to this forum because I love Kingdom hearts, but mostly because I love to make friends and meet new people. I'm outgoing and energetic. :toungesmile: I just wanted to introduce myself. I already have a few friends here, they're cool and nice.:thumbsup: And I'll be happy to have more...
  2. F

    Johnny Depp.

    Who else likes Johnny Depp? What do you think about him, and which his character do you like? I like Johnny Depp ,because he's amazing,his characters are so different, but all of them become alive because of his awesome acting.:thumbsup: I like him the most as Jack Sparrow, and I cant wait...
  3. F

    Help Meeeeeeee!!!

    OK guys,can you pleeeeeeeeeeese help me or at least give me some tips to how to beat the 3 headed dog in the coloseum?:thumbup: He's just so hard!!! I'm also stuck on Jafar in aladin where he lets the pots go and there are 2 bugs or whatever you call them that collect the pots and go to the...