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  1. TheMoonsDarkside

    New Plausible Theory

    Maybe it is Xemnas who combined data with himself and Luxord, cause DiZ wouldn't attack Aqua. And when you say "everyone" Only Xemnas and Luxord (time control) are hinted.
  2. TheMoonsDarkside

    Donald and Goofy

    I'm guessing a plothole because from what I understand Nomura wasn't planning on making a prequel after the first game..and I can't see donald and goofy randomly remembering TAV during KHII, plus their both retarded and probably can't remember something from 10 years ago anyway
  3. TheMoonsDarkside

    so i got KH Re:Chain of memories...

    6/10 Hated the card system, and the worlds were ridiculously bland. Story was great that's where all 6 points come from.
  4. TheMoonsDarkside

    Sea Salt Ice Cream

    Well I talked to my dad who is a professional chef and he says it would be disgusting but fuck him im going to try it one day anyway
  5. TheMoonsDarkside

    Soul Eater

    Slightly off-topic but when the hell did Riku's "sword" turn into a full fledged keyblade because it seemed to happen out of nowhere.
  6. TheMoonsDarkside

    Ok so I am replauing Kh2 and i was just wondering why Nomura didnt call

    I think he did it because he wanted a more Disney feel. Neverland being called London? Port Royal being the Caribbean Islands? Atlantica being The Atlantic Ocean? Hmm no thanks, hahaha.
  7. TheMoonsDarkside

    Kingdom Hearts 2 Overrated?

    I don't think it is overrated I think the ratings are fine. From what I see most of you guys don't seem to like KHII as much as KHI but KHI and KHII and now BBS are my favorites. (Talking about gameplay wise) I absolutely hated CoM because of the gameplay but the story was great. Anyway what I...
  8. TheMoonsDarkside

    Sea Salt Ice Cream

    Well I was reading a Nomura interview and he said that sea-salt ice cream is actually real, feeling curious I did a google search. Some guy went out and made a recipe for it so here it is: Sea Salt Ice Cream Recipe - Food.com - 177919 I am very curious to try this, and I bet you guys all are...
  9. TheMoonsDarkside

    New Plausible Theory

    Yeah this is what I was thinking. You say he wanted to see his friends and himself? Well I understand he would keep his identity hidden to avoid confusion, but why would he attack them? It is not Terra, I have a feeling it is someone completely new, just like LS was for us in KH: II Also what...
  10. TheMoonsDarkside

    Why Vanitas Looks Like He Does

    Yeah he did I just wasn't thinking about it at the time so it went over my head, and that since it was just words and no voice it kind of redirected me thinking it was someone else.
  11. TheMoonsDarkside

    Why Vanitas Looks Like He Does

    All right all makes sense now, thanks guys. Man the story of these games never seize to amaze me!
  12. TheMoonsDarkside

    Why Vanitas Looks Like He Does

    Alright makes sense. So is Ven's heart shattered because MX took out the darkness portion to make Vanitas?
  13. TheMoonsDarkside

    Why Vanitas Looks Like He Does

    Oooh that makes sense, I didn't know who the person was suppose to be at the beginning when Ven's heart (white disc thing) was replaced. I thought that was MX reviving him or something okay all makes sense now. Expect where Ventus came from in the first place.
  14. TheMoonsDarkside

    Why Vanitas Looks Like He Does

    I don't think so because we see Vanitas' face in Ven's Final battle, and Ventus doesn't connect with Sora until after Final Episode.
  15. TheMoonsDarkside

    Why Vanitas Looks Like He Does

    So as every who completed the game knows, Vanitas looks like Sora. And Roxas looks like Ventus. I understand why Roxas looks like Ventus because Ventus combined hearts with Sora at the end of BbS. What I don't understand is why Vanitas looks like Sora, from what I understand Ventus and Sora had...
  16. TheMoonsDarkside

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Movie (Idea for cutscenes)

    This is a pretty cool idea but I def wouldn't want to take the time do it! I hope someone else does!
  17. TheMoonsDarkside

    Anyone who has ordered from Amazon..

    Just an update: I checked mine and it has been shipped with an arrival of september 15th! My god!
  18. TheMoonsDarkside

    Anyone who has ordered from Amazon..

    Darn well I didn't realize it would take this long. I guess it will make the game more enjoyable when I finally get it!
  19. TheMoonsDarkside

    Anyone who has ordered from Amazon..

    Did you order with the free shipping?
  20. TheMoonsDarkside

    Anyone who has ordered from Amazon..

    Was wondering if your copy of the game has even been shipped. I ordered using the SuperSaver Shipping and it still says that it has not yet been shipped with an excepted delivery date of 9/13. So does anyone else have something different?