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  1. B

    I hope this game picks up fast...

    I agree. They should have left that part for Days.
  2. B

    I hope this game picks up fast...

    I'm not talking about opening videos...
  3. B

    I hope this game picks up fast...

    KH2 and Days had a crap opening. KHI and CoM wasn't too bad...
  4. B

    KH 2009 hours played

    I spend like 30-50 hours on each game and that's it... I've played KH, KHII, KHCoM, and Days.
  5. B

    Ven = Kingdom Key? (358/2 days spoiler)

    It was Xion that made Roxas throw the Oblivion at Riku.
  6. B

    I think Sora and Ventus share a Paopu fruit together

    Maybe you interpret the "special meaning" in a wrong way?
  7. B

    I think Sora and Ventus share a Paopu fruit together

    Four year olds can't eat?
  8. B

    I think Sora and Ventus share a Paopu fruit together

    This. However, some people do take it as a romantic tale. People such as Selphie.
  9. B

    I think Sora and Ventus share a Paopu fruit together

    Wow, I see people taking this the wrong way. Some of you are misinterpreted by the power of the paupu fruit.
  10. B

    I think Sora and Ventus share a Paopu fruit together

    Aqua and Kairi makes the charms that resembles a paopu fruit they're symbolically connected. However, Sora and Ven eat it together.
  11. B

    I think Sora and Ventus share a Paopu fruit together

    The Paopu fruit itself. ..............(25 characters)
  12. B

    I think Sora and Ventus share a Paopu fruit together

    According to legend, "If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what." I think they share the paopu fruit together before Ven was "erased" so his legacy can still continue through Sora. Which is why they are connected...
  13. B

    Where's a good spot to grind on disk 3 in FFVII?

    FF7. I'm on the last disk and I wanna know a good spot to max my level before I fight Sephiroth. Also, where do I get Knights of Round and Omnislash?
  14. B

    Ven IS Roxas

    Um, she uses her keyblade?
  15. B

    Ven IS Roxas

    A nobody doesn't exist because they don't have a heart. Erase means remove completely. It's simple. Aqua extracts Ven's heart so therefore he won't exist again.
  16. B

    Ven IS Roxas

    Yeah because there someone else who looks like Aqua too right?
  17. B

    The shadowed Figure

    That cloaked figure didn't exist until a year after BbS.
  18. B

    The shadowed Figure

    It can't be Ansem the Wise. Ansem never thought travelling to other worlds was possible until he discovered the Gummi Ship which took place after BBS. Who else walks like that? It looks like Master Xehanort to me.
  19. B

    Ven IS Roxas

    Ven asked Aqua to be erased, so Aqua unlocked his heart with her keyblade and it was placed into Sora. Much like how Sora sacrificed himself for Kairi. When a heart was unleashed from Sora to save Kairi's, it was actually Ven's heart.
  20. B

    A possibility that The Gathering could be in Radiant Garden

    Hallow Bastion had more than just a castle and villages. Think of where the 1000 heartless battle took place.