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Search results

  1. D

    Who's the real Xehanort?

    1. Although it is possible, it wouldn't mean that Terra would be completely gone, and you never know. No matter how strong one gets, there is always the possibility of failure, Terra could've been able to resist, if it was a fusion. 2. Terra isn't on the side of darkness. I'll admit, that scene...
  2. D

    Who's the real Xehanort?

    Thanks for the support. As to theories on the other two apprentices, I already have a slight one with Ven, as it was used to support my Birth By Sleep ritual theory, but I always could expand. As for Aqua, I have one as to why her armor is in the hidden room. As to if this could be viewed as a...
  3. D

    Who's the real Xehanort?

    As I read through some of the forums, I find that the one thing on everyone's mind is who the Xehanort from KH1 really is. I notice that one of the theories is that he is Terra. But I ask know, why? Many say its because the two look so alike, that it's most liekly him. However, I diasgree, and I...
  4. D

    Not another stupid Terra / Xehanort Theory!

    First thing, although I admit that both Terra and Xemnas(as well as Xeanhort the Apprentice) look very similar, it doesn't seem like they are the same. It just seems so anti-climatic if the person who looks so much like Xeanhort is Xeanhort. Also, since we still haven't seen the DS' face, it...
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    Another Xion theory

    Well thought, but a few flaws. To correct you, you don't have a heartless or nobody if your tainted by darkness. A hertless forms when your heart leaves your body, and the shell becomes the nobody. Which however leads to the flaw. Kairi's heart had no darkness in it, what with the whol PoH...
  6. D

    Another Terra being Xehanort Thread

    For some reason I really think that Terra is not Xeanhort, and I hope it stays that way. The amount of similarities between them shows how although there might be a connection between MX and Terra, it doesn't mean Terra is Xeanhort. I bet you anything that the real Xeanhort is either MX, DS, or...
  7. D

    BBS Kingdom Hearts

    I have two thoughts on this 1, the KH in BBS is fake, but can lead to The End Of The World, where Kingdom Hearts is, and was created by MX by sacfrificing his keyblade, infused with a piece of his own personal darkness. 2, it is the real Kingdom Hearts, summoned from another world, into that...
  8. D

    New Unbirth theory

    I'm not directly judging his powers, but more what he wishes to use his powers for. Summoning Kingdom Hearts, most likely for the purpose of power or some other selfish gain, could be considered an act made by a crazy man. After all, just look at Xeanhort's Heartless (the human form, not the...
  9. D

    New Unbirth theory

    Thats what I thought to. When I heard that the Unbirths had something to do with Master Xeanhort, I imeadiatly thought that the emblem heartless that Xeanhort the Apprentice were somehow connected with the Unbirths. I always thought that in Xeanhort's previous life, before BBS was announced, he...
  10. D

    New Unbirth theory

    I know you can't manufacture darkness, at least not pure darkness, but this is Xeanhort, he was able to summon Kingdom Hearts using only his keyblade and part of his darkness, I think it's possible that if he was crazy enough to do that, he's crazy enough to try to create darkness. Of course, it...
  11. D

    New Unbirth theory

    I'm not sure if this is a regular theory, but here it goes. It all has to do with natural, or pure darkness. I first noticed it when the term Unbirth was released. A little bit afterward, I was looking at a picture of some earlier gameplay, the one with Ven in front of Cinderella's palace. He...
  12. D

    when sora and roxas became "One" ?

    I think it was only Sora's heart that was changed because of his original seperation in HB, and it simply returned to normal when he fused back with Roxas. However, I think that the fusion would actually make him weaker. I know we wouldn't even be able to use drive forms when he fights xemnas...
  13. D

    BBS Keyblade Names

    Ven: Reversing Destiny or Obscure Fate Aqua: Warlock's Oath or Ether's Horn Terra: Morphing Bravery or Blinding Valor DS: Demon's Eye or Corrupted Servant MX: Claw of Darkness or Deception's Prelude I couldn't chosse a single name, so I just put my top two
  14. D

    H.U.N-Unbirth Theory

    I like the theory. Considering how the names of the KH enemies have an opposite meaning to what they are, it fits pretty well, especially with the title. However, I have reason to believe that instead of these creatures being created by accident, I believe Xeanhort stole people, put them through...
  15. D

    Terra and Aqua

    I'm not sure what your trying to do. If your stating your theory as to who Xeanhort and the 14th member are, then you are very, very late with this thing. If your just trying to strengthen theories that have been mentioned before, then thats great, but try supporting it with information that...
  16. D

    14th member theory

    For awhile, I was trying to figure out why after the 14th member joined, they didn't change the name to Organization XIV. Then thats when it hit me, after they found Namine, they didnt add her to the group, even though she was a nobody. I remeber also that, as mentioned many times before...
  17. D

    General Question on Nobodies

    This was something that has been bugging me for a while. We know that there are heartless, and there are nobodies, and for the most part, they have a lot of similarities. One thing that caught my attention was that in the heartless family, there are two TYPES of heartless, pure-blood, and...
  18. D

    What FF charater would you like in BBS

    I would want Zack in there, mainly because I want to see Zack and Terra interact. Even though BBS is more serious than the other games, it would be nice to have some comic relief in there. Also, him being there might help explain the Sephiroth and Cloud rivalry in the KH universe. I would also...
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    Ven=Roxas and MX= Xeanhort theory

    Okay, heres my theory for why Ven looks like Roxas, and why MX looks like Xeanhort. It all has to do with the title Birth by Sleep. I believe the name is actually refering to a ceremony/spell in which one puts themself in a self hibernation, and in turn, they become younger. A sort of way for...
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    New Major enemies of KH3

    Hey, I'm new here, so I thought I'd make my first thread on something I've been thinking about for awhile. We know that when one loses their heart to a heartless, the hearts is covered in darkness, and a heartless is created, and the body that remains is covered in nothingness, and a nobody is...