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  1. T

    New look at the clone theory

    hey just one thought lets say ven was a a vanitas replica in the same ways that xion collected sora's memories and had to give them back do you think maybe ven collected some of vanitas' memories and decided that if they were erased along with him that it would destory vanitas the way namine...
  2. T

    New Picture Of Braig.

    wow look how young he looked 10 years really took a toll on him LOLs he didnt even have all his gray hairs yet XD
  3. T

    connection? Xehanort - Terra

    okay first off "on terra's dick" really was that necessary? and everyone has sympathy for the fallen hero so its only natual. its just like how riku got really popular because he had his little flight with the dark sides. secondly yes xemnas' eyes are a golden orange but so were terra's at the...
  4. T


    i think it may be more than an asumption that they were friends while "human" because saix says "which would you rather suffer the lose of: some make-believe friendship, or a real one?" now i know they were talking about roxas and xion but i dont think being friends with a "puppet" over a nobody...
  5. T

    SoraRikuKairi and VenTerraAqua

    hmmm i think aqua is related to kairi in a way (at least her grandma) because it seems like she's heard the same little fairy tales kairi did when she was little and maybe thats how she comes up with the charms thing as for other relations i think it might be a long shot but terra somehow...
  6. T

    Atlantica in BBS?

    yeah it all seems kind of annoying but i at least wanna see what they would look like and as for king triton i think his reaction to sora in the first game made it seem as though he had whitnessed it first hand cause he seemed pretty worried and pissed about sora "meddling" in his worlds "affairs"
  7. T

    Fate of The 14th..

    yeah this is random but why do we all keep thinking she left the orginaization cause maybe she was still in it but never really mentioned like every one else was cause she was still really new so the hadnt built her a door in the nobodies naught yet or she was out on an initation mission so she...