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  1. S

    Coded Coming to NA?

    You're talking about cheap games for a buck ninty nine,they would have to charge more than that to justify paying voice actors.
  2. S

    Coded Coming to NA?

    I don't think they'd put it on a phone they wouldn't make enough money for it to be worth it in the states.
  3. S

    Riku DOES have amber eyes!

    It's just the reflection of the faux Kingdom Hearts in the sky OR(real reason coming up) it's the very reason he was hiding his eyes in the first place.
  4. S

    Re:CoM question about Cloud cards

    Re: CoM question about Cloud cards I finally got one from a chest and then I got another from a magic pack.
  5. S

    Re:CoM question about Cloud cards

    Re: CoM question about Cloud cards Thanks for the encouragement guys.I am able to open some higher level packs and still nothing.It's funny right after I got lightening magic I opened up four packs and got eight lightening cards :o)
  6. S

    Re:CoM question about Cloud cards

    Re: CoM question about Cloud cards I must have really bad luck then because I just now went into four moogle rooms and bought all the magic packs each time.Out of 80 cards none were cloud,but I got many of all other types.Add that on top of the countless times I did it before that makes me a...
  7. S

    Re:CoM question about Cloud cards

    Re:CoM question about Cloud cards Now,I played regular CoM and I thought I remembered getting lots of cloud cards right off the bat(after I got the first one of course),but even after I got the first one I have been unable to get ahold of another.I have bought tons of magic packs and not one...
  8. S

    Which kingdom hearts game is better Kingdom hearts or Kingdom hearts 2?

    For many of us it's about the gameplay and the story.Also,for many of us the harder the game the better,not easier.Thats why I said KH1.It's also the little things such as giving you a good reason to explore by making certain things only reachable with abilities you get the further you progress.
  9. S

    13 years!

    It might have something to do with the jacket too.
  10. S

    13 years!

    Riku seemed to age just fine.
  11. S

    (Spoilers) Frequently Asked Birth by Sleep Questions

    Re: Frequently Asked Birth by Sleep Questions If Ven connected with sora AFTER Vanitas was made why would Vanitas look like sora?
  12. S

    Official Secret Ending Discussion Thread

    Re: Official 'Secret Ending' Thread Thats not the secret ending thats the normal one.
  13. S

    Official Secret Ending Discussion Thread

    Re: Official 'Secret Ending' Thread I'm pretty sure thats AtW.
  14. S


    Because we want to see maybe,just maybe,if KH3 is alluded to.
  15. S


    The note in the bottle was Kairi's HIV/AIDs test.THATS why she won't be going on their next adventure!
  16. S


    It's probably Ven doing the talking.
  17. S

    So. Before or after KH2?

    I say Days then KH2,it will fill in the horrible story gaps.Plus he will have more empathy for Axel.
  18. S

    Why are Ven's eyes lifeless? because he's DEAD!

    Like other people have said,I think Ven is in a zombie-like state.
  19. S

    Question about Re:CoM

    The bug I'm asking about is mentioned in this thread : http://forums.khinsider.com/side-stories/119815-re-com-problem.html I have also heard of bug with the cut scenes.Does anyone know how often this happens or when I can tell if I have the bugged copy?
  20. S

    Question about Re:CoM

    I played the GBA CoM years ago(but never finished it) and I was thinking about getting RE:CoM and playing it again.I heard there was a bug in the game,though,and I was wondering if anyone could explain it to me more.I searched but I could not find out how far into the game it can...