Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Whao 4 years? I remember screaming and buying my 3ds the next week it was announced! Hahhh it's probably my best KH title and mostly because of gameplay (FLOWMOTION!!!)
Happy Birthday, KH 3D! I'm so happy I bought a 3ds for it ;v;)
OOOh I know this one about the chest! It's just like me, I've opened every chest, but for some reason Radiant Garden is the only one without the golden Mickey. I think a chest will show up after beating someone. Be it Sephiroth or all the data org. But that's just me thinking, I'm having the...
Well, as far as I know, it's used for people who want to lvl 1 run the game. If you keep it activated the whole game, it boosts your def and atk by a lot, but you'll still be lvl 1, of course. Sorry I can't help more D:
If we follow the theory from this thread, I think it's because, since he was the one who incited the Keyblade War in the past, his heart is etched to do the same in the present.
Omg, am I he only one not caring about the technical stuff? I'M SO EXCITED JUST FOR HEARING ABOUT THIS!!! *---*
Isn't anyone else on the hype train?? <33
Thank you everyone for the support, but it seems that he had to give up his spot. He didn't have the means to go to Phoenix so he could catch a plane from there and do the same on the way back D:
It's a total shame and I think we all feel his pain. ><
I don't think I can delete a thread, so I'll...
How nice. D: If I'd known, I would've applied too. Even tho I live in Brazil.
Ahaha but thanks for the thought, Master, we are all poor students here >_>
Yes, it happened!
The member is our Friend Oris!
He received the following e-mail from the KH 2.5 Team:
All nice, right?
He doesn't have the funds to go to LA, spend the night and come back. And he has to reply to this e-mail in 20 hours to secure his position there. We are currently...
I see D: Thanks, Master!
... But do I really have to beat the Hades Cup even on Hard? I kind of have a trauma with that Cup... >_>
But thanks anyway D: I'll... do my best.
So... It's my first time on the 'outside thread' (since I'm usually only at the X[Chi] section). I don't know if I should be asking this here or if someone already asked,but...
Is there anything Secret-Movie related when I finish the game on Hard Mode? I mean, some movie they haven't shown yet...