Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Probably kairi ... i dunno its just ,... its a game with disney chars ... probably no gay aspects in it (not that there is anything wrong with being gay)
That still dosent explain anything ,,. you still have to give us a legitimate reason upon which VAT would even give parts of their hearts away in the first place....
And in no way am i trying to flame or whatever, im just trying to make sense of this whole thing
That was probably my least favorite part of the game, not being able to customize riku's decks. I died alot with Riku lol (yeah I suck at the game ...)
I was never good at deck managment but i used a lot of high number cards and zero's, had at least 3 cure cards or more, 2 potions, and a few heartless/enemy cards. But im not very good at COM so *shrugs* i dunno
Rgg I hate Minamimoto (The Noise symbol boss battle on hard ... minamimoto is my favorite char otherwise) No matter what i do i cant beat him, pisses me off ... and i'm so close to getting all the reports too T-T ...
Yeah thats what was gettin me I was thinkig "pin b_ _ of love" but I got it (worth it though, get to put neku in a Mr.Mew suit lol)
Edit: week one down now im stuck on Minamimoto (taboo form) anyone have any advice?