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Search results

  1. D

    what happened to tidus, wakka,n' selphie?

    You twits! Go back to Traverse Town and look around! I know Tidus is there, if not Wakka and Selphie.
  2. D

    Nobodies and shadows

    In COM, Larxane says to Naminé, "There's your incentive not to screw up. You can be a somebody instead of a shadow of somebody." Before that, Naminé says she is only a shadow of Kairi. Is this what is meant by your alternate self? Are BHK and Naminé shadows of Sora and Kairi?
  3. D

    Big Difference

    Yep, he grew. And you know what else happens during that period of a person's life... That could make for some funny scenes. *Imagines Sora walking up to Kairi and saying "how you doing?" and promptly falls out of chair laughing*
  4. D

    Blue room?

    And what about the Moon mural? We never found out what that did either.
  5. D

    bhk theory that might work.

    *stands awestruck for a second, then gets down on knees and bows* We are not worthy!
  6. D

    Mickey's Key Is Light; so not Sora????

    Sorry, DragonRider, it's a bad habit. :) Basicly what I said was that it's not really dark or light or twilight or anything else really. it just is, and nothing else is quite like it.
  7. D

    Mickey's Key Is Light; so not Sora????

    Kingdom Hearts is a reflection on the human heart. It is not even close to being mostly Dark, or mostly Light. It isn't even twilight (The balance of light and dark). It is the opposite of twilight, Light and Darkness in opposition, always struggling for control. It IS chaos, disarray...
  8. D

    My 13 Points

    Well I feel like a big idiot. :) First off, half of that I never thought through that far, or even checked against the DD. I didn't know that it counted down either. I worked from a poster of all of them together and just worked that way. My bad. But really, thirteen games? Who on earth plans...
  9. D

    My 13 Points

    What in particular don't you agree with? Everybody's only just saying they don't agree with it and leaving it at that.
  10. D

    My 13 Points

    Like I said at the end KL, I looked back and I started thinking and I realized that's a lot of stuff to cram into thirteen minutes. So I think it may be a game overview, which is more likely. It's also possible that the #7 Kairi is a replica meant to fool them. And Ultima, how were they a big...
  11. D

    My 13 Points

    I got bored and figured this out in history today. This proves that my mind is slowly rotting. Let me know what you think. 13 points- I think this refers to the first 13 minutes of gameplay. (All I could think of, nothing else made sense) Also the number of unknowns and the number used most...