Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Sorry for the delay, I had to convert them and couldn't get it done last night!
This is the English trailer:
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded English Trailer at NY Comic Con 2010
This is the English Gameplay:
YouTube - Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded English Gameplay at NY Comic Con 2010
Please enjoy...
I just got back from Day 1 at the NY Comic Con and at the Square Enix booth there were several DS's lined up to play with the FULL ENGLISH KINGDOM HEARTS Re: Coded.
It was so fun to play and handles great! I never expected anything like this since usually these game demos are only at events like...
I accidently posted before finishes please don't count the last post without the content from this one.
Now the gameplay, I am super hyped to try out a real combo system in a KH game that doesn't involve mostly the X button. It will shut up all the people who say KH is nothing but a...
I am excited for Birth By Sleep for many reasons. First of all I'm a Die Hard KH fan with many collectibles, figures, posters and whatnot. I love Kingdom Hearts above any other game series or individual game! I can't wait to find out the important events that transpire in the past of KH1. I...