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  1. TehSoulCookie

    Having problems downloading Unchained X

    I've been trying all last night and then this morning searching for a solution to this but nothing I do seems to work. So, when I go to the app store and hit install on Unchained X it starts to download, but seems to get stuck at 98% and then just try to install it, and then just pops up a...
  2. TehSoulCookie

    I think we have a chance for BBS remaster.

    Ah, yeah, I could see it being that way for some people. But back on topic. Birth by Sleep would look glorious in HD. And it'd be so much fun to play it on a TV instead of a little PSP screen too~
  3. TehSoulCookie

    I think we have a chance for BBS remaster.

    Why is that? Personally, I could play it multiple times. Also, YES, I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE BBS REMASTER. PLEASE AND THANK YOU S-E.
  4. TehSoulCookie

    HD Remasters Development

    I would buy it. Nothing would stop me from buying it. Even if, at the time it comes out, I still don't own a PS3. Because, I bought 2 games for the PSP before I owned it. So, yeah, if it's Kingdom Hearts (or some other game series I love) then, I am going to buy it. :D
  5. TehSoulCookie

    Tales Of The Eliminator

    I don't remember which system sector it was that I first came across it, but I was trying to climb a ladder to get to the exit when I kept getting hit with these energy blasts. I was like 'WTF is doing that? I defeated everything!' Then I see the Eliminator, and I think it's just some weird...
  6. TehSoulCookie

    Pre-Order Special: DS Icon Decals

    OMG! Stickkkkkkkeeerrrrrssssss!!! 8D Oh, and no I'm not being sarcastic. I love stickers. 8D And these are KH stiiicckkkkeerrrssss~ So I will love them to death! >3
  7. TehSoulCookie

    comic con

    They might have a demo though. They had one for Days, and Birth by Sleep has a lot more hype than Days so, it's possible.
  8. TehSoulCookie

    NA Site Updatez

    Thanks for uploading them! Man, I can already tell I am gonna log SO many hours on the Command Board. I love when video games have board game-like minigames! There so much fun~
  9. TehSoulCookie

    NA Site Updatez

    Thank you in advanced! I seem to be collecting Birth by Sleep english gameplay and trailers....Must be to full my over excitement! XD
  10. TehSoulCookie

    NA Site Updatez

    Darn, you beat me to it! I was too busy looking at the other threads....I noticed it too, but it doesn't seem anyone else had. Also, if anyone could upload the new gameplay videos to youtube, I'd be eternally grateful!
  11. TehSoulCookie

    The Official BBS VA Discussion Thread [complete]

    Re: The Official BBS VA Discussion Thread Yeah, I understand, maybe it's just me then....>.> who knows? My ears may be screwed up, but I hear it. A lot. Yeah. *shrugs* If it's not him, I won't be disappointed, but if it is, I'm going to lol so hard and then start cracking jokes. What jokes, I...
  12. TehSoulCookie

    The Official BBS VA Discussion Thread [complete]

    Re: The Official BBS VA Discussion Thread I know that some people have already mentioned this option, but I've been listening to the new english trailer a lot and then listening to voice files for Cloud on Dissidia, and I've come to think that Steve Burton voices Terra. At some points Terra...
  13. TehSoulCookie

    Is Birth By Sleep a challenge?

    Also Overall difficulty is going to be ramped up, so it's going to be more difficult no matter what. And then there's also Critical mode. So, I think it'll be plenty difficult.
  14. TehSoulCookie

    What will you do before BBS's release?

    Excitedly anticipate its release while checking the NA website and here every chance I get, as well as replaying KH1 and 2, and possibly Re:CoM, watch cutscenes and wait for my birthday to get a PSP of my own and then play Dissidia and Crisis Core until to distract me until it comes out. And...
  15. TehSoulCookie

    The Official BBS VA Discussion Thread [complete]

    Re: The Official BBS VA Discussion Thread I believe they did. I think they advertised both him and Kirk Thornton, even though they're both more anime VAs than anything...They're awesome though. :D
  16. TehSoulCookie

    Coded is Stupid

    I agree. And speaking of other franchises, a certain little Japanese game called Pokemon comes to mind.... :D More on topic however, I also think that all the different platforms give each game a more unique feel and make them different from the original console ones in a good way. Sure...
  17. TehSoulCookie

    The New Features in NA/PAL

    For me it's the Keyblades, and the secret bosses. I love me some secrest bosses!
  18. TehSoulCookie

    Coded is Stupid

    Yeah, we did get off topic didn't we? Anyways, I think Re:Coded looks like it'll be awesome. :D
  19. TehSoulCookie

    Coded is Stupid

    Oh, yeah, THAT thing. King of The Sky, I think. That thing was a butt to beat. Though I did like flying around. And in Multiplayer it was pretty awesome/easy with Xigbar. That mission was pretty much the only use I had for him, in a main mission....sadly. I like Xiggy, he's just hard to play as!
  20. TehSoulCookie

    Coded is Stupid

    I love Days. I did't mind the rehashing of worlds or really anything about it. Except those few pesky missions that were really annoying, i.e. Pete Agrabah mission, and Leechgrave. GOD, I hated the Leechgrave....