Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
I used the one that gave me high strength. I came to realise that you'll miss with Nimble Gear if you try to hit the tail for the finisher, because this stupid annoying... thing keeps flying so far away so quickly.
Well I think I either used Crisis Gear or which ever gear it is that makes your Keyblade look like a chainsaw.
I rushed through the first stage (the tail) and once I reached the part where it goes all berserk, I flew in a circle going up and down so I could avoid most attacks and attacking it whenever I could.
That's how I got by
The only way I managed to get through it was by hugging the front of the chest, but if I was too late and fail to reach there before it all begins, then that's my auto life gone.
It resulted in 2 defeats before my eventual victory. Sigh.
I avoided the coins by flying close to the water and then ascending slowly to him as he stopped. Once he stops hurtling the coins (you actually do gain some money even though it hurts xD) you can whack him. I hated the first part because it was hard to hit his tail. I think I used Nimble gear. I also hated that he could fly off to the side of the screen so that I couldn't hit him. -_-
Yeah, flying away from where you can was just stupid. It's like, you're forced to wait about 10 seconds just for him to slowly float his way back in (while dodging the icicles that spawn from the water).
I didn't really find it that annoying. I don't think I did very often either (if at all).
I can't remember which keyblade I used... Pandora's Gear maybe?