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6/25 Union χ JP Update: Invisible Illustrated Ver, Skill Draw, Union Cross

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trapped in revamp hell
Staff member
Nov 1, 2009

Premium Quest from 6/25~7/1 offers Invisible Illustrated Ver! Clear the quests to get 2 copies of this medal, 8 Trait Medal #24 and 1400 jewels. 

Invisible Illustrated Ver is capable of 150~230% Guilt and comes with 3 trait slots.

Invisible Illustrated Ver [1 Target | 5 SP cost] For 1 turn: Increases ATK+7 and Reverse ATK+3, decreases enemy DEF-7. Inflicts 1 hit that deals more damage against standalone targets

5 Skill Draws are available from 3/29~3/31! Each draw comes with 5 ★6 medals and a guaranteed skill. Players are limited to 1 draw of each banner per day, which comes with 5 VIP coins.

Skills being offered are ATK XL III 100%, Guard Up L 100%, Ability0 & ATK XL II 100%, Lux & ATK XL II 100%, Triple Threat EX II.

The ★6 medals may also come with one of the following abilities attached:

Attack Up M Guard Up M
Ability Prize Up Ability2
Poison EX Paralyze EX
Sleep EX  


Final Stage of Global Festa is held from 6/25~7/1! Work together with other players to reach the target Lux of 500 trillion!

Defeat the Jewel Princess raid boss to earn coins and redeem rewards like Broom Servants and Magic Mirrors.

3 eggs are required to summon the Jewel Princess, and players will have 3 hours to defeat it, which will raise its level by 1. This boss will offer more coins at Lv99.

Union Cross is updated for 6/25~7/1! Clear quests to earn rewards like the Green Croak Cap and Starlight Croak Cap, which grants Drop Luck+3!

There are 6 sets of Cross Boards available:

(1) Magic Mirror set 1
=> Magic Mirror set 2
(2) Broom Servant set 1
=> Broom Servant set 2
(3) M_Green Croak Cap
(4) L_Green Croak Cap
(5) M_Starlight Croak Cap
(6) L_Starlight Croak Cap

Challenge Boss Time is held from 19:00~29:29 and 23:00~23:29 JST, during which players will receive more coins by defeating the boss.

Happy Stitch Day! To commemorate the occasion, Stitch & Angel avatar boards return for 2000 jewels each from 6/26~7/9! 

Stitch Costume
(Attack Up XL II) x 1
(Ability1 & Attack Up XL 100%) x 1
(Guard Up M 100%) x 1
Magic Mirror★6 x 5
Mickey & Broom Servants★6 x 1 Broom Servant★5 x 1
Mystic Stone x 1 Huey & Dewey & Louie★6 x 3
Cid5★6 x 2 Stitch costume x 1
Stitch costume style x 1 M_Shoulder riding Stitch x 1


Angel Costume
(Attack Up XL II) x 1
(Ability1 & Attack Up XL 100%) x 1
(Guard Up M 100%) x 1
Magic Mirror★6 x 5
Mickey & Broom Servants★6 x 1 Broom Servant★5 x 1
Mystic Stone x 1 Huey & Dewey & Louie★6 x 3
Cid5★6 x 2 Angel costume x 1
Angel costume style x 1 L_Shoulder riding Stitch x 1


Category Avatar Part Name Luck Type Effect Value
Chest2 Shoulder riding Stitch Drop Luck +6

Hercules and Megara boards return from 6/27~7/9 for 2000 jewels each!

Hercules costume
Scrooge ★6
(Ability1 & Attack XL 100%) ×1
Scrooge ★6
(Ability 0) ×1
Scrooge ★6
(Guard Up XL) ×1
Magic Mirror ★6 ×5
Mickey & Broom Servant ★6 ×1 Broom Servant ★5 ×1
Sword Gem ×1 Huey & Dewey & Louie★6 ×2
Cid5★6 ×2 Hercules costume×1
Hercules costume cape ×1 Hercules costume armbands ×1
Hercules Style ×1  


Megara costume
Scrooge ★6
(Ability1 & Attack XL 100%) ×1
Scrooge ★6
(Ability 0)×1
Scrooge ★6
(Guard Up XL) ×1
Magic Mirror ★6 ×5
Mickey & Broom Servant ★6 ×1 Broom Servant ★5 ×1
Sword Gem ×1 Huey & Dewey & Louie★6 ×3
Cid5★6 ×2 Megara costume ×1
Megara costume flower ×1 Megara Style ×1


Category Avatar Part Luck Type Effect Value
Hand Hercules costume armbands Drop Luck +3
Megara costume flower


Nocturne Zephyr
Apr 30, 2009
Elysion, the Realm of Dreams
Re: 6/25 Union ? JP Update: Invisible Illustrated Ver, Skill Draw, Union Cross

I'm a little confused by the Invisible's effect...It's a Single Target Medal, but has the "Deals more Damage to a Standalone Enemy" effect? Wouldn't that just activate all the time then, or does it somehow recognize there being more than one target and thus gimps itself? Just seems rather weird either way. It's a really nice medal, and RevSpd certainly needs more good medals, but Imma keep holding out for the Blue Fairy Farming Quests...they'd better make those soon...

Skill Draws! Not gonna lie, I hope Global gets them. There's a few of these I could really use, with ABVMax&SP0 being great for Prime Axel and ABVIMax being real handy for some of the T4 7* Medals I've drawn in the past few weeks. Gotta get them up to speed so I can use them in various sets.

So the final stage is here...the fact that this boss lasts 3 hours instead of 10 minutes just tells me that they decided only to buff that Darkside's HP and call it a day for part 1. Sheesh, wouldn't have killed them to alter the time limit if they can alter the max HP. At least this one won't be outright impossible for newer players then, that's something. No Bonus times so far, but I fully anticipate a repeat of the Week 1 incidents. I hope it won't happen because I would rather there not be any more bad PR incidents, and especially since Global winning 2/3 means we won overall and any leg up Japan would be given wouldn't change the end result, but I tend to expect worst case scenario so...expecting the worst, hoping I'll be proven wrong, and looking forward to tearing up a new Raid Boss. Just...for the love of all that is sacred...let the Egg Quests be exactly like the Weekend Raid Boss ones. No more 3 stage, gotta walk to the foe to bash it, extra time wasting stuff. Pop in, instant battle, just tap to continue so that it's easier to full auto and multitask. Not everyone likes the grind, and it's just better overall. Hope that's what they went with.

And finally, UC is back to normal with Extra Hard Boss Times! Dear gods, I missed those this week...also looks like a brand new batch of Heartless! Sweet! Looking forward to frying some frogs this week.
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